# Books & Posts
Add your own books or posts to our Wiki Page (opens new window)
# Practical End 2 End Testing with CodeceptJS (opens new window)
A book by Paul Vincent Beigang
# Contents:
- Preparation for End 2 End Testing with CodeceptJS
- Setup CodeceptJS with WebdriverIO
- Create Your First CodeceptJS Test
- Run Your First CodeceptJS Test Locally
- Run Test on BrowserStack Against with the Safari Browser
- How to Debug & Fix a Failing E2E Test
- Run a CodeceptJS Test in GitLab´s Continuous Integration (CI) Environment
- Delicious Test Reports With Allure
# Posts
A list of good educational posts about CodeceptJS
- QA Automation From Zero-to-Hero with CodeceptJS End-to-End Testing (opens new window) by Dan Emmons
- Effective End2End Tests with CodeceptJS (opens new window) by @davertmik
- Customizing CodeceptJS Skeleton (opens new window)
- Running End to End tests as Google Cloud Functions (opens new window)
- End-To-End Testing With CodeceptJS (opens new window) by Piotr Michalski
- Getting started with CodeceptJS and Selenium WebDriver (opens new window)