
# Playwright

Extends Helper

Uses Playwright (opens new window) library to run tests inside:

  • Chromium
  • Firefox
  • Webkit (Safari)

This helper works with a browser out of the box with no additional tools required to install.

Requires playwright or playwright-core package version ^1 to be installed:

npm i playwright@^1.18 --save


npm i playwright-core@^1.18 --save

Breaking Changes: if you use Playwright v1.38 and later, it will no longer download browsers automatically.

Run npx playwright install to download browsers after npm install.

Using playwright-core package, will prevent the download of browser binaries and allow connecting to an existing browser installation or for connecting to a remote one.

# Configuration

This helper should be configured in codecept.conf.(js|ts)

Type: object (opens new window)

# Properties

# Video Recording Customization

By default, video is saved to output/video dir. You can customize this path by passing dir option to recordVideo option.

video: enables video recording for failed tests; videos are saved into output/videos folder

# Trace Recording Customization

Trace recording provides complete information on test execution and includes DOM snapshots, screenshots, and network requests logged during run. Traces will be saved to output/trace

  • trace: enables trace recording for failed tests; trace are saved into output/trace folder
  • keepTraceForPassedTests: - save trace for passed tests

# HAR Recording Customization

A HAR file is an HTTP Archive file that contains a record of all the network requests that are made when a page is loaded. It contains information about the request and response headers, cookies, content, timings, and more. You can use HAR files to mock network requests in your tests. HAR will be saved to output/har. More info could be found here (opens new window).

recordHar: {
    mode: 'minimal', // possible values: 'minimal'|'full'.
    content: 'embed' // possible values:  "omit"|"embed"|"attach".

# Example #1: Wait for 0 network connections.

   helpers: {
     Playwright : {
       url: "http://localhost",
       restart: false,
       waitForNavigation: "networkidle0",
       waitForAction: 500

# Example #2: Wait for DOMContentLoaded event

   helpers: {
     Playwright : {
       url: "http://localhost",
       restart: false,
       waitForNavigation: "domcontentloaded",
       waitForAction: 500

# Example #3: Debug in window mode

   helpers: {
     Playwright : {
       url: "http://localhost",
       show: true

# Example #4: Connect to remote browser by specifying websocket endpoint (opens new window)

   helpers: {
     Playwright: {
       url: "http://localhost",
       chromium: {
         browserWSEndpoint: 'ws://localhost:9222/devtools/browser/c5aa6160-b5bc-4d53-bb49-6ecb36cd2e0a',
         cdpConnection: false // default is false

# Example #5: Testing with Chromium extensions

official docs (opens new window)

 helpers: {
   Playwright: {
     url: "http://localhost",
     show: true // headless mode not supported for extensions
     chromium: {
       // Note: due to this would launch persistent context, so to avoid the error when running tests with run-workers a timestamp would be appended to the defined folder name. For instance: playwright-tmp_1692715649511
       userDataDir: '/tmp/playwright-tmp', // necessary to launch the browser in normal mode instead of incognito,
       args: [

# Example #6: Launch tests emulating iPhone 6

const { devices } = require('playwright');

 helpers: {
   Playwright: {
     url: "http://localhost",
     emulate: devices['iPhone 6'],

# Example #7: Launch test with a specific user locale

 helpers: {
  Playwright : {
    url: "http://localhost",
    locale: "fr-FR",
  • # Example #8: Launch test with a specific color scheme

 helpers: {
  Playwright : {
    url: "http://localhost",
    colorScheme: "dark",
  • # Example #9: Launch electron test

 helpers: {
    Playwright: {
      browser: 'electron',
      electron: {
        executablePath: require("electron"),
        args: [path.join('../', "main.js")],

Note: When connecting to remote browser show and specific chrome options (e.g. headless or devtools) are ignored.

# Access From Helpers

Receive Playwright client from a custom helper by accessing browser for the Browser object or page for the current Page object:

const { browser } = this.helpers.Playwright;
await browser.pages(); // List of pages in the browser

// get current page
const { page } = this.helpers.Playwright;
await page.url(); // Get the url of the current page

const { browserContext } = this.helpers.Playwright;
await browserContext.cookies(); // get current browser context

# Parameters

  • config

# _addPopupListener

Add the 'dialog' event listener to a page

# Parameters

  • page

# _contextLocator

Grab Locator if called within Context

# Parameters

  • locator any

# _createContextPage

Create a new browser context with a page. Usually it should be run from a custom helper after call of _startBrowser()

# Parameters

# _getPageUrl

Gets page URL including hash.

# _locate

Get elements by different locator types, including strict locator Should be used in custom helpers:

const elements = await this.helpers['Playwright']._locate({name: 'password'});

# Parameters

  • locator

# _locateCheckable

Find a checkbox by providing human-readable text: NOTE: Assumes the checkable element exists

this.helpers['Playwright']._locateCheckable('I agree with terms and conditions').then // ...

# Parameters

  • locator
  • providedContext

# _locateClickable

Find a clickable element by providing human-readable text:

this.helpers['Playwright']._locateClickable('Next page').then // ...

# Parameters

  • locator

# _locateElement

Get the first element by different locator types, including strict locator Should be used in custom helpers:

const element = await this.helpers['Playwright']._locateElement({name: 'password'});

# Parameters

  • locator

# _locateFields

Find field elements by providing human-readable text:

this.helpers['Playwright']._locateFields('Your email').then // ...

# Parameters

  • locator

# _setPage

Set current page

# Parameters

# acceptPopup

Accepts the active JavaScript native popup window, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt. Don't confuse popups with modal windows, as created by various libraries (opens new window).

# amAcceptingPopups

Set the automatic popup response to Accept. This must be set before a popup is triggered.


# amCancellingPopups

Set the automatic popup response to Cancel/Dismiss. This must be set before a popup is triggered.


# amOnPage

Opens a web page in a browser. Requires relative or absolute url. If url starts with /, opens a web page of a site defined in url config parameter.

I.amOnPage('/'); // opens main page of website
I.amOnPage(''); // opens github
I.amOnPage('/login'); // opens a login page

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# appendField

Appends text to a input field or textarea. Field is located by name, label, CSS or XPath

I.appendField('#myTextField', 'appended');
// typing secret
I.appendField('password', secret('123456'));

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# attachFile

Attaches a file to element located by label, name, CSS or XPath Path to file is relative current codecept directory (where codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js is located). File will be uploaded to remote system (if tests are running remotely).

I.attachFile('Avatar', 'data/avatar.jpg');
I.attachFile('form input[name=avatar]', 'data/avatar.jpg');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# blockTraffic

Blocks traffic of a given URL or a list of URLs.


I.blockTraffic(['', '*.css']);

# Parameters

# blur

Remove focus from a text input, button, etc. Calls blur (opens new window) on the element.


//element `#product-tile` is focused

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# cancelPopup

Dismisses the active JavaScript popup, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt.

# checkOption

Additional options (opens new window) for check available as 3rd argument.


// click on element at position
I.checkOption('Agree', '.signup', { position: { x: 5, y: 5 } })

⚠️ To avoid flakiness, option force: true is set by default

Selects a checkbox or radio button. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.

The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.

I.checkOption('I Agree to Terms and Conditions');
I.checkOption('agree', '//form');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# clearCookie

Clears a cookie by name, if none provided clears all cookies.


# Parameters

# clearField

Clears the text input element: <input>, <textarea> or [contenteditable] .



// if this doesn't work use force option
I.clearField('#submit', { force: true })

Use force to bypass the actionability (opens new window) checks.

# Parameters

# click

Perform a click on a link or a button, given by a locator. If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string. For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched. For links, the link text is searched. For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched.

The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.

// simple link'Logout');
// button of form'Submit');
// CSS button'#form input[type=submit]');
// XPath'//form/*[@type=submit]');
// link in context'Logout', '#nav');
// using strict locator{css: 'nav a.login'});

# Parameters

# Examples

// click on element at position'canvas', '.model', { position: { x: 20, y: 40 } })

// make ctrl-click'.edit', null, { modifiers: ['Ctrl'] } )

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

Clicks link and waits for navigation (deprecated)

# Parameters

  • locator
  • context

# closeCurrentTab

Close current tab and switches to previous.


# closeOtherTabs

Close all tabs except for the current one.


# dontSee

Opposite to see. Checks that a text is not present on a page. Use context parameter to narrow down the search.

I.dontSee('Login'); // assume we are already logged in.
I.dontSee('Login', '.nav'); // no login inside .nav element

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked

Verifies that the specified checkbox is not checked.

I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // located by ID
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('I agree to terms'); // located by label
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('agree'); // located by name

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeCookie

Checks that cookie with given name does not exist.

I.dontSeeCookie('auth'); // no auth cookie

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals

Checks that current url is not equal to provided one. If a relative url provided, a configured url will be prepended to it.

I.dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/login'); // relative url are ok
I.dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals(''); // absolute urls are also ok

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeElement

Opposite to seeElement. Checks that element is not visible (or in DOM)

I.dontSeeElement('.modal'); // modal is not shown

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeElementInDOM

Opposite to seeElementInDOM. Checks that element is not on page.

I.dontSeeElementInDOM('.nav'); // checks that element is not on page visible or not

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeInCurrentUrl

Checks that current url does not contain a provided fragment.

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeInField

Checks that value of input field or textarea doesn't equal to given value Opposite to seeInField.

I.dontSeeInField('email', '[email protected]'); // field by name
I.dontSeeInField({ css: 'form' }, '[email protected]'); // field by CSS

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeInSource

Checks that the current page does not contains the given string in its raw source code.

I.dontSeeInSource('<!--'); // no comments in source

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeInTitle

Checks that title does not contain text.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dontSeeTraffic

Verifies that a certain request is not part of network traffic.


I.dontSeeTraffic({ name: 'Unexpected API Call', url: '' });
I.dontSeeTraffic({ name: 'Unexpected API Call of "user" endpoint', url: /*user/ });

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# doubleClick

Performs a double-click on an element matched by link|button|label|CSS or XPath. Context can be specified as second parameter to narrow search.

I.doubleClick('Edit', '.actions');
I.doubleClick({css: 'button.accept'});

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dragAndDrop

// specify coordinates for source position
I.dragAndDrop('img.src', 'img.dst', { sourcePosition: {x: 10, y: 10} })

When no option is set, custom drag and drop would be used, to use the dragAndDrop API from Playwright, please set options, for example force: true

Drag an item to a destination element.

I.dragAndDrop('#dragHandle', '#container');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# dragSlider

Drag the scrubber of a slider to a given position For fuzzy locators, fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, and XPath.

I.dragSlider('#slider', 30);
I.dragSlider('#slider', -70);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# executeScript

Executes a script on the page:

I.executeScript(() => window.alert('Hello world'));

Additional parameters of the function can be passed as an object argument:

I.executeScript(({x, y}) => x + y, {x, y});

You can pass only one parameter into a function, or you can pass in array or object.

I.executeScript(([x, y]) => x + y, [x, y]);

If a function returns a Promise it will wait for its resolution.

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)

# fillField

Fills a text field or textarea, after clearing its value, with the given string. Field is located by name, label, CSS, or XPath.

// by label
I.fillField('Email', '[email protected]');
// by name
I.fillField('password', secret('123456'));
// by CSS
I.fillField('form#login input[name=username]', 'John');
// or by strict locator
I.fillField({css: 'form#login input[name=username]'}, 'John');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# flushNetworkTraffics

Resets all recorded network requests.


# flushWebSocketMessages

Resets all recorded WS messages.

# focus

Calls focus (opens new window) on the matching element.



# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# forceClick

Perform an emulated click on a link or a button, given by a locator. Unlike normal click instead of sending native event, emulates a click with JavaScript. This works on hidden, animated or inactive elements as well.

If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string. For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched. For links, the link text is searched. For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched.

The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.

// simple link
// button of form
// CSS button
I.forceClick('#form input[type=submit]');
// XPath
// link in context
I.forceClick('Logout', '#nav');
// using strict locator
I.forceClick({css: 'nav a.login'});

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# grabAttributeFrom

Retrieves an attribute from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await operator. If more than one element is found - attribute of first element is returned.

let hint = await I.grabAttributeFrom('#tooltip', 'title');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> attribute value

# grabAttributeFromAll

Retrieves an array of attributes from elements located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await operator.

let hints = await I.grabAttributeFromAll('.tooltip', 'title');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>> attribute value

# grabBrowserLogs

Get JS log from browser.

const logs = await I.grabBrowserLogs();
const errors = => ({ type: l.type(), text: l.text() })).filter(l => l.type === 'error');

Learn more about console messages (opens new window)

Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)>

# grabCheckedElementStatus

Return the checked status of given element.

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<boolean (opens new window)>

# grabCookie

Returns cookie in JSON format. If name not passed returns all cookies for this domain.

Gets a cookie object by name. If none provided gets all cookies. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator.

let cookie = await I.grabCookie('auth');
assert(cookie.value, '123456');

# Parameters

Returns any attribute value

# grabCssPropertyFrom

Grab CSS property for given locator Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await operator. If more than one element is found - value of first element is returned.

const value = await I.grabCssPropertyFrom('h3', 'font-weight');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> CSS value

# grabCssPropertyFromAll

Grab array of CSS properties for given locator Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await operator.

const values = await I.grabCssPropertyFromAll('h3', 'font-weight');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>> CSS value

# grabCurrentUrl

Get current URL from browser. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function.

let url = await I.grabCurrentUrl();
console.log(`Current URL is [${url}]`);

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> current URL

# grabDataFromPerformanceTiming

Grab the data from performance timing using Navigation Timing API. The returned data will contain following things in ms:

  • responseEnd,
  • domInteractive,
  • domContentLoadedEventEnd,
  • loadEventEnd Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await operator.
await I.amOnPage('');
let data = await I.grabDataFromPerformanceTiming();
//Returned data
{ // all results are in [ms]
  responseEnd: 23,
  domInteractive: 44,
  domContentLoadedEventEnd: 196,
  loadEventEnd: 241

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# grabDisabledElementStatus

Return the disabled status of given element.

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<boolean (opens new window)>

# grabElementBoundingRect

Grab the width, height, location of given locator. Provide width or heightas second param to get your desired prop. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await operator.

Returns an object with x, y, width, height keys.

const value = await I.grabElementBoundingRect('h3');
// value is like { x: 226.5, y: 89, width: 527, height: 220 }

To get only one metric use second parameter:

const width = await I.grabElementBoundingRect('h3', 'width');
// width == 527

# Parameters

Returns (Promise (opens new window) | Promise (opens new window)<number (opens new window)>) Element bounding rectangle

# grabHTMLFrom

Retrieves the innerHTML from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator. If more than one element is found - HTML of first element is returned.

let postHTML = await I.grabHTMLFrom('#post');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> HTML code for an element

# grabHTMLFromAll

Retrieves all the innerHTML from elements located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator.

let postHTMLs = await I.grabHTMLFromAll('.post');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>> HTML code for an element

# grabMetrics

Return a performance metric from the chrome cdp session. Note: Chrome-only


const metrics = await I.grabMetrics();

// returned metrics

  { name: 'Timestamp', value: 1584904.203473 },
  { name: 'AudioHandlers', value: 0 },
  { name: 'AudioWorkletProcessors', value: 0 },
  { name: 'Documents', value: 22 },
  { name: 'Frames', value: 10 },
  { name: 'JSEventListeners', value: 366 },
  { name: 'LayoutObjects', value: 1240 },
  { name: 'MediaKeySessions', value: 0 },
  { name: 'MediaKeys', value: 0 },
  { name: 'Nodes', value: 4505 },
  { name: 'Resources', value: 141 },
  { name: 'ContextLifecycleStateObservers', value: 34 },
  { name: 'V8PerContextDatas', value: 4 },
  { name: 'WorkerGlobalScopes', value: 0 },
  { name: 'UACSSResources', value: 0 },
  { name: 'RTCPeerConnections', value: 0 },
  { name: 'ResourceFetchers', value: 22 },
  { name: 'AdSubframes', value: 0 },
  { name: 'DetachedScriptStates', value: 2 },
  { name: 'ArrayBufferContents', value: 1 },
  { name: 'LayoutCount', value: 0 },
  { name: 'RecalcStyleCount', value: 0 },
  { name: 'LayoutDuration', value: 0 },
  { name: 'RecalcStyleDuration', value: 0 },
  { name: 'DevToolsCommandDuration', value: 0.000013 },
  { name: 'ScriptDuration', value: 0 },
  { name: 'V8CompileDuration', value: 0 },
  { name: 'TaskDuration', value: 0.000014 },
  { name: 'TaskOtherDuration', value: 0.000001 },
  { name: 'ThreadTime', value: 0.000046 },
  { name: 'ProcessTime', value: 0.616852 },
  { name: 'JSHeapUsedSize', value: 19004908 },
  { name: 'JSHeapTotalSize', value: 26820608 },
  { name: 'FirstMeaningfulPaint', value: 0 },
  { name: 'DomContentLoaded', value: 1584903.690491 },
  { name: 'NavigationStart', value: 1584902.841845 }

Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<Object (opens new window)>>

# grabNumberOfOpenTabs

Grab number of open tabs. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator.

let tabs = await I.grabNumberOfOpenTabs();

Returns Promise (opens new window)<number (opens new window)> number of open tabs

# grabNumberOfVisibleElements

Grab number of visible elements by locator. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator.

let numOfElements = await I.grabNumberOfVisibleElements('p');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<number (opens new window)> number of visible elements

# grabPageScrollPosition

Retrieves a page scroll position and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await operator.

let { x, y } = await I.grabPageScrollPosition();

Returns Promise (opens new window) scroll position

# grabPopupText

Grab the text within the popup. If no popup is visible then it will return null

await I.grabPopupText();

Returns Promise (opens new window)<(string (opens new window) | null)>

# grabRecordedNetworkTraffics

Grab the recording network traffics

const traffics = await I.grabRecordedNetworkTraffics();
expect(traffics[0].response.body).to.contain({ name: 'this was mocked' });

Returns Array (opens new window) recorded network traffics

# grabSource

Retrieves page source and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator.

let pageSource = await I.grabSource();

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> source code

# grabTextFrom

Retrieves a text from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await operator.

let pin = await I.grabTextFrom('#pin');

If multiple elements found returns first element.

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> attribute value

# grabTextFromAll

Retrieves all texts from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await operator.

let pins = await I.grabTextFromAll('#pin li');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>> attribute value

# grabTitle

Retrieves a page title and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await operator.

let title = await I.grabTitle();

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> title

# grabTrafficUrl

Returns full URL of request matching parameter "urlMatch".



# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)

# grabValueFrom

Retrieves a value from a form element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator. If more than one element is found - value of first element is returned.

let email = await I.grabValueFrom('input[name=email]');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> attribute value

# grabValueFromAll

Retrieves an array of value from a form located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await operator.

let inputs = await I.grabValueFromAll('//form/input');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>> attribute value

# grabWebElement

Grab WebElement for given locator Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await operator.

const webElement = await I.grabWebElement('#button');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window) WebElement of being used Web helper

# grabWebElements

Grab WebElements for given locator Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await operator.

const webElements = await I.grabWebElements('#button');

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window) WebElement of being used Web helper

# grabWebSocketMessages

Grab the recording WS messages

Returns Array (opens new window)

# handleDownloads

Handles a file download. A file name is required to save the file on disk. Files are saved to "output" directory.

Should be used with FileSystem helper (opens new window) to check that file were downloaded correctly.

I.handleDownloads('downloads/avatar.jpg');'Download Avatar');
I.waitForFile('avatar.jpg', 5);

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)

# makeApiRequest

Performs api request (opens new window) using the cookies from the current browser session.

const users = await I.makeApiRequest('GET', '/api/users', { params: { page: 1 }});
I.makeApiRequest('PATCH', )

This is Playwright's built-in alternative to using REST helper's sendGet, sendPost, etc methods.

# Parameters

Returns Promise (opens new window)<object (opens new window)> response

# mockRoute

Mocks network request using browserContext.route (opens new window) of Playwright

I.mockRoute(/(.png$)|(.jpg$)/, route => route.abort());

This method allows intercepting and mocking requests & responses. Learn more about it (opens new window)

# Parameters

# mockTraffic

Mocks traffic for URL(s). This is a powerful feature to manipulate network traffic. Can be used e.g. to stabilize your tests, speed up your tests or as a last resort to make some test scenarios even possible.


I.mockTraffic('/api/users/1', '{ id: 1, name: 'John Doe' }');
I.mockTraffic('/api/users/*', JSON.stringify({ id: 1, name: 'John Doe' }));
I.mockTraffic([/^, '**'], 'Internal Server Error', 'text/html');

# Parameters

  • urls string|Array These are the URL(s) to mock, e.g. "/fooapi/" or "['/fooapi_1/', '/barapi_2/*']". Regular expressions are also supported.
  • responseString string The string to return in fake response's body.
  • contentType Content type of fake response. If not specified default value 'application/json' is used.

# moveCursorTo

Moves cursor to element matched by locator. Extra shift can be set with offsetX and offsetY options.

I.moveCursorTo('#submit', 5,5);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# openNewTab

Open new tab and automatically switched to new tab


You can pass in page options (opens new window) to emulate device on this page

// enable mobile
I.openNewTab({ isMobile: true });

# Parameters

  • options

# pressKey

Note: Shortcuts like 'Meta' + 'A' do not work on macOS (GoogleChrome/Puppeteer#1313 (opens new window)).

Presses a key in the browser (on a focused element).

Hint: For populating text field or textarea, it is recommended to use fillField.


To press a key in combination with modifier keys, pass the sequence as an array. All modifier keys ('Alt', 'Control', 'Meta', 'Shift') will be released afterwards.

I.pressKey(['Control', 'Z']);

For specifying operation modifier key based on operating system it is suggested to use 'CommandOrControl'. This will press 'Command' (also known as 'Meta') on macOS machines and 'Control' on non-macOS machines.

I.pressKey(['CommandOrControl', 'Z']);

Some of the supported key names are:

  • 'AltLeft' or 'Alt'
  • 'AltRight'
  • 'ArrowDown'
  • 'ArrowLeft'
  • 'ArrowRight'
  • 'ArrowUp'
  • 'Backspace'
  • 'Clear'
  • 'ControlLeft' or 'Control'
  • 'ControlRight'
  • 'Command'
  • 'CommandOrControl'
  • 'Delete'
  • 'End'
  • 'Enter'
  • 'Escape'
  • 'F1' to 'F12'
  • 'Home'
  • 'Insert'
  • 'MetaLeft' or 'Meta'
  • 'MetaRight'
  • 'Numpad0' to 'Numpad9'
  • 'NumpadAdd'
  • 'NumpadDecimal'
  • 'NumpadDivide'
  • 'NumpadMultiply'
  • 'NumpadSubtract'
  • 'PageDown'
  • 'PageUp'
  • 'Pause'
  • 'Return'
  • 'ShiftLeft' or 'Shift'
  • 'ShiftRight'
  • 'Space'
  • 'Tab'

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# pressKeyDown

Presses a key in the browser and leaves it in a down state.

To make combinations with modifier key and user operation (e.g. 'Control' + click).


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# pressKeyUp

Releases a key in the browser which was previously set to a down state.

To make combinations with modifier key and user operation (e.g. 'Control' + click).


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# refreshPage

Reload the current page.


Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# replayFromHar

Replaying from HAR

 // Replay API requests from HAR.
 // Either use a matching response from the HAR,
 // or abort the request if nothing matches.
   I.replayFromHar('./output/har/something.har', { url: "*/**/api/v1/fruits" });

# Parameters

Returns any Promise

# resizeWindow

Unlike other drivers Playwright changes the size of a viewport, not the window! Playwright does not control the window of a browser, so it can't adjust its real size. It also can't maximize a window.

Update configuration to change real window size on start:

// inside codecept.conf.js
// @codeceptjs/configure package must be installed
{ setWindowSize } = require('@codeceptjs/configure');

Resize the current window to provided width and height. First parameter can be set to maximize.

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# restartBrowser

Restart browser with a new context and a new page

// Restart browser and use a new timezone
I.restartBrowser({ timezoneId: 'America/Phoenix' });
// Open URL in a new page in changed timezone
// Restart browser, allow reading/copying of text from/into clipboard in Chrome
I.restartBrowser({ permissions: ['clipboard-read', 'clipboard-write'] });

# Parameters

# rightClick

Performs right click on a clickable element matched by semantic locator, CSS or XPath.

// right click element with id el
// right click link or button with text "Click me"
I.rightClick('Click me');
// right click button with text "Click me" inside .context
I.rightClick('Click me', '.context');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# saveElementScreenshot

Saves screenshot of the specified locator to ouput folder (set in codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js). Filename is relative to output folder.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# saveScreenshot

Saves a screenshot to ouput folder (set in codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js). Filename is relative to output folder. Optionally resize the window to the full available page scrollHeight and scrollWidth to capture the entire page by passing true in as the second argument.

I.saveScreenshot('debug.png', true) //resizes to available scrollHeight and scrollWidth before taking screenshot

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# scrollPageToBottom

Scroll page to the bottom.


Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# scrollPageToTop

Scroll page to the top.


Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# scrollTo

Scrolls to element matched by locator. Extra shift can be set with offsetX and offsetY options.

I.scrollTo('#submit', 5, 5);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# see

Checks that a page contains a visible text. Use context parameter to narrow down the search.

I.see('Welcome'); // text welcome on a page
I.see('Welcome', '.content'); // text inside .content div
I.see('Register', {css: 'form.register'}); // use strict locator

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeAttributesOnElements

Checks that all elements with given locator have given attributes.

I.seeAttributesOnElements('//form', { method: "post"});

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeCheckboxIsChecked

Verifies that the specified checkbox is checked.

I.seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms
I.seeCheckboxIsChecked({css: '#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'});

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeCookie

Checks that cookie with given name exists.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeCssPropertiesOnElements

Checks that all elements with given locator have given CSS properties.

I.seeCssPropertiesOnElements('h3', { 'font-weight': "bold"});

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeCurrentUrlEquals

Checks that current url is equal to provided one. If a relative url provided, a configured url will be prepended to it. So both examples will work:


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeElement

Checks that a given Element is visible Element is located by CSS or XPath.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeElementInDOM

Checks that a given Element is present in the DOM Element is located by CSS or XPath.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeInCurrentUrl

Checks that current url contains a provided fragment.

I.seeInCurrentUrl('/register'); // we are on registration page

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeInField

Checks that the given input field or textarea equals to given value. For fuzzy locators, fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, and XPath.

I.seeInField('Username', 'davert');
I.seeInField({css: 'form textarea'},'Type your comment here');
I.seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
I.seeInField('#searchform input','Search');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeInPopup

Checks that the active JavaScript popup, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt, contains the given string.

I.seeInPopup('Popup text');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeInSource

Checks that the current page contains the given string in its raw source code.

I.seeInSource('<h1>Green eggs &amp; ham</h1>');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeInTitle

Checks that title contains text.

I.seeInTitle('Home Page');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeNumberOfElements

Asserts that an element appears a given number of times in the DOM. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.

I.seeNumberOfElements('#submitBtn', 1);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeNumberOfVisibleElements

Asserts that an element is visible a given number of times. Element is located by CSS or XPath.

I.seeNumberOfVisibleElements('.buttons', 3);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeTextEquals

Checks that text is equal to provided one.

I.seeTextEquals('text', 'h1');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeTitleEquals

Checks that title is equal to provided one.

I.seeTitleEquals('Test title.');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# seeTraffic

Verifies that a certain request is part of network traffic.

// checking the request url contains certain query strings
await I.seeTraffic({
    name: 'sentry event',
    url: '',
    parameters: {
    width: '1919',
    height: '1138',
// checking the request url contains certain post data
await I.seeTraffic({
    name: 'event',
    url: '',
    requestPostData: {
    st: 2,

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# selectOption

Selects an option in a drop-down select. Field is searched by label | name | CSS | XPath. Option is selected by visible text or by value.

I.selectOption('Choose Plan', 'Monthly'); // select by label
I.selectOption('subscription', 'Monthly'); // match option by text
I.selectOption('subscription', '0'); // or by value
I.selectOption('form select[name=account]', 'Premium');
I.selectOption({css: 'form select[name=account]'}, 'Premium');

Provide an array for the second argument to select multiple options.

I.selectOption('Which OS do you use?', ['Android', 'iOS']);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# setCookie

Sets cookie(s).

Can be a single cookie object or an array of cookies:

I.setCookie({name: 'auth', value: true});

// as array
  {name: 'auth', value: true},
  {name: 'agree', value: true}

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# setPlaywrightRequestHeaders

Set headers for all next requests

   'X-Sent-By': 'CodeceptJS',

# Parameters

# startRecordingTraffic

Starts recording the network traffics. This also resets recorded network requests.


Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# startRecordingWebSocketMessages

Starts recording of websocket messages. This also resets recorded websocket messages.

await I.startRecordingWebSocketMessages();

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# stopMockingRoute

Stops network mocking created by mockRoute.

I.stopMockingRoute(/(.png$)|(.jpg$)/, previouslySetHandler);

If no handler is passed, all mock requests for the rote are disabled.

# Parameters

# stopRecordingTraffic

Stops recording of network traffic. Recorded traffic is not flashed.


# stopRecordingWebSocketMessages

Stops recording WS messages. Recorded WS messages is not flashed.

await I.stopRecordingWebSocketMessages();

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# switchTo

Switches frame or in case of null locator reverts to parent.

I.switchTo('iframe'); // switch to first iframe
I.switchTo(); // switch back to main page

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# switchToNextTab

Switch focus to a particular tab by its number. It waits tabs loading and then switch tab


# Parameters

# switchToPreviousTab

Switch focus to a particular tab by its number. It waits tabs loading and then switch tab


# Parameters

# type

Types out the given text into an active field. To slow down typing use a second parameter, to set interval between key presses. Note: Should be used when fillField is not an option.

// passing in a string
I.type('Type this out.');

// typing values with a 100ms interval
I.type('4141555311111111', 100);

// passing in an array
I.type(['T', 'E', 'X', 'T']);

// passing a secret

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# uncheckOption

Additional options (opens new window) for uncheck available as 3rd argument.


// click on element at position
I.uncheckOption('Agree', '.signup', { position: { x: 5, y: 5 } })

⚠️ To avoid flakiness, option force: true is set by default

Unselects a checkbox or radio button. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.

The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.

I.uncheckOption('I Agree to Terms and Conditions');
I.uncheckOption('agree', '//form');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# usePlaywrightTo

Use Playwright API inside a test.

First argument is a description of an action. Second argument is async function that gets this helper as parameter.

{ page (opens new window), browserContext (opens new window) browser (opens new window) } objects from Playwright API are available.

I.usePlaywrightTo('emulate offline mode', async ({ browserContext }) => {
  await browserContext.setOffline(true);

# Parameters

# wait

Pauses execution for a number of seconds.

I.wait(2); // wait 2 secs

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForClickable

Waits for element to be clickable (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.

I.waitForClickable('.btn.continue', 5); // wait for 5 secs

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForCookie

Waits for the specified cookie in the cookies.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForDetached

Waits for an element to become not attached to the DOM on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForDisabled

Waits for element to become disabled (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForElement

Waits for element to be present on page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.

I.waitForElement('.btn.continue', 5); // wait for 5 secs

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForEnabled

Waits for element to become enabled (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForFunction

Waits for a function to return true (waits for 1 sec by default). Running in browser context.

I.waitForFunction(fn[, [args[, timeout]])
I.waitForFunction(() => window.requests == 0);
I.waitForFunction(() => window.requests == 0, 5); // waits for 5 sec
I.waitForFunction((count) => window.requests == count, [3], 5) // pass args and wait for 5 sec

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForInvisible

Waits for an element to be removed or become invisible on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForNavigation

Waits for navigation to finish. By default, it takes configured waitForNavigation option.

See Playwright's reference (opens new window)

# Parameters

  • options any

# waitForNumberOfTabs

Waits for number of tabs.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForRequest

Waits for a network request.

I.waitForRequest(request => request.url() === '' && request.method() === 'GET');

# Parameters

# waitForResponse

Waits for a network response.

I.waitForResponse(response => response.url() === '' && response.status() === 200);

# Parameters

# waitForText

Waits for a text to appear (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath. Narrow down search results by providing context.

I.waitForText('Thank you, form has been submitted');
I.waitForText('Thank you, form has been submitted', 5, '#modal');

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForURL

Waits for page navigates to a new URL or reloads. By default, it takes configured waitForNavigation option.

See Playwright's reference (opens new window)

# Parameters

  • url (string (opens new window) | RegExp (opens new window)) A glob pattern, regex pattern or predicate receiving URL to match while waiting for the navigation. Note that if the parameter is a string without wildcard characters, the method will wait for navigation to URL that is exactly equal to the string.
  • options any

# waitForValue

Waits for the specified value to be in value attribute.

I.waitForValue('//input', "GoodValue");

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitForVisible

This method accepts React selectors (opens new window).

Waits for an element to become visible on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitInUrl

Waiting for the part of the URL to match the expected. Useful for SPA to understand that page was changed.

I.waitInUrl('/info', 2);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitNumberOfVisibleElements

Waits for a specified number of elements on the page.

I.waitNumberOfVisibleElements('a', 3);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitToHide

Waits for an element to hide (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.


# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

# waitUrlEquals

Waits for the entire URL to match the expected

I.waitUrlEquals('/info', 2);

# Parameters

Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder

Last Updated: 2/10/2025, 4:33:39 AM