# TestCafe
Extends Helper
Uses TestCafe (opens new window) library to run cross-browser tests. The browser version you want to use in tests must be installed on your system.
Requires testcafe
package to be installed.
npm i testcafe --save-dev
# Configuration
This helper should be configured in codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js
: base url of website to be testedshow
: - show browser window.windowSize
: (optional) - set browser window width and heightgetPageTimeout
config option to set maximum navigation time in milliseconds.waitForTimeout
: (optional) default wait* timeout in ms. Default: 5000.browser
: - See https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/using-testcafe/common-concepts/browsers/browser-support.html (opens new window)
# Example #1: Show chrome browser window
helpers: {
TestCafe : {
url: "http://localhost",
waitForTimeout: 15000,
show: true,
browser: "chrome"
To use remote device you can provide 'remote' as browser parameter this will display a link with QR Code See https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/recipes/test-on-remote-computers-and-mobile-devices.html (opens new window)
# Example #2: Remote browser connection
helpers: {
TestCafe : {
url: "http://localhost",
waitForTimeout: 15000,
browser: "remote"
# Access From Helpers
Call Testcafe methods directly using the testcafe controller.
const testcafeTestController = this.helpers['TestCafe'].t;
const comboBox = Selector('.combo-box');
await testcafeTestController
.hover(comboBox) // hover over combo box
.click('#i-prefer-both') // click some other element
# Methods
# Parameters
# _locate
Get elements by different locator types, including strict locator Should be used in custom helpers:
const elements = await this.helpers['TestCafe']._locate('.item');
# Parameters
# amOnPage
Opens a web page in a browser. Requires relative or absolute url.
If url starts with /
, opens a web page of a site defined in url
config parameter.
I.amOnPage('/'); // opens main page of website
I.amOnPage('https://github.com'); // opens github
I.amOnPage('/login'); // opens a login page
# Parameters
string (opens new window) url path or global url.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# appendField
Appends text to a input field or textarea. Field is located by name, label, CSS or XPath
I.appendField('#myTextField', 'appended');
// typing secret
I.appendField('password', secret('123456'));
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locatorvalue
string (opens new window) text value to append.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# attachFile
Attaches a file to element located by label, name, CSS or XPath Path to file is relative current codecept directory (where codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js is located). File will be uploaded to remote system (if tests are running remotely).
I.attachFile('Avatar', 'data/avatar.jpg');
I.attachFile('form input[name=avatar]', 'data/avatar.jpg');
# Parameters
string (opens new window) local file path relative to codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js config file.locator
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# blur
Remove focus from a text input, button, etc. Calls blur (opens new window) on the element.
//element `#product-tile` is focused
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.options
any? Playwright only: Additional options (opens new window) for available options object as 2nd argument.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# checkOption
Selects a checkbox or radio button. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
I.checkOption('I Agree to Terms and Conditions');
I.checkOption('agree', '//form');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) checkbox located by label | name | CSS | XPath | strict locator.context
(string (opens new window)? | object (opens new window)) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS | XPath | strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# clearCookie
Clears a cookie by name, if none provided clears all cookies.
# Parameters
string (opens new window)? (optional,null
by default) cookie name
# clearField
Clears a <textarea>
or text <input>
element's value.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder.
# click
Perform a click on a link or a button, given by a locator. If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string. For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched. For links, the link text is searched. For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
// simple link
// button of form
// CSS button
I.click('#form input[type=submit]');
// XPath
// link in context
I.click('Logout', '#nav');
// using strict locator
I.click({css: 'nav a.login'});
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) clickable link or button located by text, or any element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string (opens new window)? | object (opens new window) | null) (optional,null
by default) element to search in CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSee
Opposite to see
. Checks that a text is not present on a page.
Use context parameter to narrow down the search.
I.dontSee('Login'); // assume we are already logged in.
I.dontSee('Login', '.nav'); // no login inside .nav element
# Parameters
string (opens new window) which is not present.context
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window))? (optional) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator in which to perfrom search.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked
Verifies that the specified checkbox is not checked.
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // located by ID
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('I agree to terms'); // located by label
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('agree'); // located by name
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeCookie
Checks that cookie with given name does not exist.
I.dontSeeCookie('auth'); // no auth cookie
# Parameters
string (opens new window) cookie name.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals
Checks that current url is not equal to provided one. If a relative url provided, a configured url will be prepended to it.
I.dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/login'); // relative url are ok
I.dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('http://mysite.com/login'); // absolute urls are also ok
# Parameters
string (opens new window) value to check.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeElement
Opposite to seeElement
. Checks that element is not visible (or in DOM)
I.dontSeeElement('.modal'); // modal is not shown
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeElementInDOM
Opposite to seeElementInDOM
. Checks that element is not on page.
I.dontSeeElementInDOM('.nav'); // checks that element is not on page visible or not
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeInCurrentUrl
Checks that current url does not contain a provided fragment.
# Parameters
string (opens new window) value to check.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeInField
Checks that value of input field or textarea doesn't equal to given value
Opposite to seeInField
I.dontSeeInField('email', '[email protected]'); // field by name
I.dontSeeInField({ css: 'form input.email' }, '[email protected]'); // field by CSS
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.value
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) value to check.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# dontSeeInSource
Checks that the current page does not contains the given string in its raw source code.
I.dontSeeInSource('<!--'); // no comments in source
# Parameters
string (opens new window) to check.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# doubleClick
Performs a double-click on an element matched by link|button|label|CSS or XPath. Context can be specified as second parameter to narrow search.
I.doubleClick('Edit', '.actions');
I.doubleClick({css: 'button.accept'});
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) clickable link or button located by text, or any element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string (opens new window)? | object (opens new window)) (optional,null
by default) element to search in CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# executeScript
Executes sync script on a page. Pass arguments to function as additional parameters. Will return execution result to a test. In this case you should use async function and await to receive results.
Example with jQuery DatePicker:
// change date of jQuery DatePicker
I.executeScript(function() {
// now we are inside browser context
$('date').datetimepicker('setDate', new Date());
Can return values. Don't forget to use await
to get them.
let date = await I.executeScript(function(el) {
// only basic types can be returned
return $(el).datetimepicker('getDate').toString();
}, '#date'); // passing jquery selector
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | function (opens new window)) function to be executed in browser context.args
...any to be passed to function.
Returns Promise (opens new window)
# fillField
Fills a text field or textarea, after clearing its value, with the given string. Field is located by name, label, CSS, or XPath.
// by label
I.fillField('Email', '[email protected]');
// by name
I.fillField('password', secret('123456'));
// by CSS
I.fillField('form#login input[name=username]', 'John');
// or by strict locator
I.fillField({css: 'form#login input[name=username]'}, 'John');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.value
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) text value to fill.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# focus
Calls focus (opens new window) on the matching element.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.options
any? Playwright only: Additional options (opens new window) for available options object as 2nd argument.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# grabAttributeFrom
Retrieves an attribute from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await
If more than one element is found - attribute of first element is returned.
let hint = await I.grabAttributeFrom('#tooltip', 'title');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.attr
string (opens new window) attribute name.
Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> attribute value
# grabAttributeFromAll
Retrieves an attribute from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await
If more than one element is found - attribute of first element is returned.
let hint = await I.grabAttributeFrom('#tooltip', 'title');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.attr
string (opens new window) attribute name.
Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> attribute value
# grabBrowserLogs
Get JS log from browser.
let logs = await I.grabBrowserLogs();
# grabCookie
Gets a cookie object by name.
If none provided gets all cookies.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let cookie = await I.grabCookie('auth');
assert(cookie.value, '123456');
# Parameters
string (opens new window)? cookie name.
Returns any attribute valueReturns cookie in JSON format. If name not passed returns all cookies for this domain.
# grabCurrentUrl
Get current URL from browser. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function.
let url = await I.grabCurrentUrl();
console.log(`Current URL is [${url}]`);
Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> current URL
# grabNumberOfVisibleElements
Grab number of visible elements by locator.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let numOfElements = await I.grabNumberOfVisibleElements('p');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns Promise (opens new window)<number (opens new window)> number of visible elements
# grabPageScrollPosition
Retrieves a page scroll position and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await
let { x, y } = await I.grabPageScrollPosition();
Returns Promise (opens new window)
# grabSource
Retrieves page source and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let pageSource = await I.grabSource();
Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> source code
# grabTextFrom
Retrieves a text from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await
let pin = await I.grabTextFrom('#pin');
If multiple elements found returns first element.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> attribute value
# grabTextFromAll
Retrieves all texts from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await
let pins = await I.grabTextFromAll('#pin li');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>> attribute value
# grabValueFrom
Retrieves a value from a form element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
If more than one element is found - value of first element is returned.
let email = await I.grabValueFrom('input[name=email]');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns Promise (opens new window)<string (opens new window)> attribute value
# grabValueFromAll
Retrieves an array of value from a form located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let inputs = await I.grabValueFromAll('//form/input');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns Promise (opens new window)<Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>> attribute value
# moveCursorTo
Moves cursor to element matched by locator. Extra shift can be set with offsetX and offsetY options.
I.moveCursorTo('#submit', 5,5);
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.offsetX
number (opens new window) (optional,0
by default) X-axis offset.offsetY
number (opens new window) (optional,0
by default) Y-axis offset.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# pressKey
Presses a key on a focused element. Special keys like 'Enter', 'Control', etc (opens new window) will be replaced with corresponding unicode. If modifier key is used (Control, Command, Alt, Shift) in array, it will be released afterwards.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | Array (opens new window)<string (opens new window)>) key or array of keys to press.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
Valid key names (opens new window) are:
or'Down arrow'
or'Left arrow'
or'Right arrow'
or'Up arrow'
,'F1 to F12'
,'Numpad 0'
to'Numpad 9'
# refreshPage
Reload the current page.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# resizeWindow
Resize the current window to provided width and height.
First parameter can be set to maximize
# Parameters
number (opens new window) width in pixels ormaximize
number (opens new window) height in pixels.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# rightClick
Performs right click on a clickable element matched by semantic locator, CSS or XPath.
// right click element with id el
// right click link or button with text "Click me"
I.rightClick('Click me');
// right click button with text "Click me" inside .context
I.rightClick('Click me', '.context');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) clickable element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string (opens new window)? | object (opens new window)) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# saveElementScreenshot
Saves screenshot of the specified locator to ouput folder (set in codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js). Filename is relative to output folder.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.fileName
string (opens new window) file name to save.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# saveScreenshot
Saves a screenshot to ouput folder (set in codecept.conf.ts or codecept.conf.js).
Filename is relative to output folder.
Optionally resize the window to the full available page scrollHeight
and scrollWidth
to capture the entire page by passing true
in as the second argument.
I.saveScreenshot('debug.png', true) //resizes to available scrollHeight and scrollWidth before taking screenshot
# Parameters
string (opens new window) file name to save.fullPage
boolean (opens new window) (optional,false
by default) flag to enable fullscreen screenshot mode.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# scrollPageToBottom
Scroll page to the bottom.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# scrollPageToTop
Scroll page to the top.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# scrollTo
Scrolls to element matched by locator. Extra shift can be set with offsetX and offsetY options.
I.scrollTo('#submit', 5, 5);
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.offsetX
number (opens new window) (optional,0
by default) X-axis offset.offsetY
number (opens new window) (optional,0
by default) Y-axis offset.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# see
Checks that a page contains a visible text. Use context parameter to narrow down the search.
I.see('Welcome'); // text welcome on a page
I.see('Welcome', '.content'); // text inside .content div
I.see('Register', {css: 'form.register'}); // use strict locator
# Parameters
string (opens new window) expected on page.context
(string (opens new window)? | object (opens new window)) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS|Xpath|strict locator in which to search for text.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeCheckboxIsChecked
Verifies that the specified checkbox is checked.
I.seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms
I.seeCheckboxIsChecked({css: '#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'});
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeCookie
Checks that cookie with given name exists.
# Parameters
string (opens new window) cookie name.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeCurrentUrlEquals
Checks that current url is equal to provided one. If a relative url provided, a configured url will be prepended to it. So both examples will work:
# Parameters
string (opens new window) value to check.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeElement
Checks that a given Element is visible Element is located by CSS or XPath.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeElementInDOM
Checks that a given Element is present in the DOM Element is located by CSS or XPath.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeInCurrentUrl
Checks that current url contains a provided fragment.
I.seeInCurrentUrl('/register'); // we are on registration page
# Parameters
string (opens new window) a fragment to check
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeInField
Checks that the given input field or textarea equals to given value. For fuzzy locators, fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, and XPath.
I.seeInField('Username', 'davert');
I.seeInField({css: 'form textarea'},'Type your comment here');
I.seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
I.seeInField('#searchform input','Search');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.value
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) value to check.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeInSource
Checks that the current page contains the given string in its raw source code.
I.seeInSource('<h1>Green eggs & ham</h1>');
# Parameters
string (opens new window) value to check.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeNumberOfVisibleElements
Asserts that an element is visible a given number of times. Element is located by CSS or XPath.
I.seeNumberOfVisibleElements('.buttons', 3);
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.num
number (opens new window) number of elements.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# seeTextEquals
Checks that text is equal to provided one.
I.seeTextEquals('text', 'h1');
# Parameters
# selectOption
Selects an option in a drop-down select. Field is searched by label | name | CSS | XPath. Option is selected by visible text or by value.
I.selectOption('Choose Plan', 'Monthly'); // select by label
I.selectOption('subscription', 'Monthly'); // match option by text
I.selectOption('subscription', '0'); // or by value
I.selectOption('form select[name=account]', 'Premium');
I.selectOption({css: 'form select[name=account]'}, 'Premium');
Provide an array for the second argument to select multiple options.
I.selectOption('Which OS do you use?', ['Android', 'iOS']);
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.option
(string (opens new window) | Array (opens new window)) visible text or value of option.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# setCookie
Sets cookie(s).
Can be a single cookie object or an array of cookies:
I.setCookie({name: 'auth', value: true});
// as array
{name: 'auth', value: true},
{name: 'agree', value: true}
# Parameters
(Cookie | Array (opens new window)) a cookie object or array of cookie objects.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# switchTo
Switches frame or in case of null locator reverts to parent.
I.switchTo('iframe'); // switch to first iframe
I.switchTo(); // switch back to main page
# Parameters
(string (opens new window)? | object (opens new window)) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# uncheckOption
Unselects a checkbox or radio button. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
I.uncheckOption('I Agree to Terms and Conditions');
I.uncheckOption('agree', '//form');
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) checkbox located by label | name | CSS | XPath | strict locator.context
(string (opens new window)? | object (opens new window)) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS | XPath | strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# useTestCafeTo
Use TestCafe (opens new window) API inside a test.
First argument is a description of an action. Second argument is async function that gets this helper as parameter.
{ t
(opens new window)) } object from TestCafe API is available.
I.useTestCafeTo('handle browser dialog', async ({ t }) {
await t.setNativeDialogHandler(() => true);
# Parameters
string (opens new window) used to show in logs.fn
function (opens new window) async functuion that executed with TestCafe helper as argument
# wait
Pauses execution for a number of seconds.
I.wait(2); // wait 2 secs
# Parameters
number (opens new window) number of second to wait.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitForElement
Waits for element to be present on page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
I.waitForElement('.btn.continue', 5); // wait for 5 secs
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (opens new window)? (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitForFunction
Waits for a function to return true (waits for 1 sec by default). Running in browser context.
I.waitForFunction(fn[, [args[, timeout]])
I.waitForFunction(() => window.requests == 0);
I.waitForFunction(() => window.requests == 0, 5); // waits for 5 sec
I.waitForFunction((count) => window.requests == count, [3], 5) // pass args and wait for 5 sec
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | function (opens new window)) to be executed in browser context.argsOrSec
(Array (opens new window)| number (opens new window))? (optional,1
by default) arguments for function or seconds.sec
number (opens new window)? (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitForInvisible
Waits for an element to be removed or become invisible on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (opens new window) (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitForText
Waits for a text to appear (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath. Narrow down search results by providing context.
I.waitForText('Thank you, form has been submitted');
I.waitForText('Thank you, form has been submitted', 5, '#modal');
# Parameters
string (opens new window) to wait for.sec
number (opens new window) (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to waitcontext
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window))? (optional) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitForVisible
Waits for an element to become visible on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (opens new window) (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitInUrl
Waiting for the part of the URL to match the expected. Useful for SPA to understand that page was changed.
I.waitInUrl('/info', 2);
# Parameters
string (opens new window) value to check.sec
number (opens new window) (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitNumberOfVisibleElements
Waits for a specified number of elements on the page.
I.waitNumberOfVisibleElements('a', 3);
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.num
number (opens new window) number of elements.sec
number (opens new window) (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitToHide
Waits for an element to hide (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | object (opens new window)) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (opens new window) (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# waitUrlEquals
Waits for the entire URL to match the expected
I.waitUrlEquals('/info', 2);
# Parameters
string (opens new window) value to check.sec
number (opens new window) (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Returns void automatically synchronized promise through #recorder
# getPageUrl
Client Functions
# Parameters