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πŸ“ test/graphql/GraphQL_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž GraphQL
    • πŸ“Ž basic queries
      • βœ”οΈ should send a query: read
    • πŸ“Ž basic mutations
      • βœ”οΈ should send a mutation: create
      • βœ”οΈ should send a mutation: delete

πŸ“ test/graphql/GraphQLDataFactory_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž GraphQLDataFactory
    • πŸ“Ž create and cleanup records
      • βœ”οΈ should create a new user
      • βœ”οΈ should create a new user with predefined field
      • βœ”οΈ should update request with onRequest
      • βœ”οΈ should cleanup created data
      • βœ”οΈ should create multiple users and cleanup after
      • βœ”οΈ should not remove records if cleanup:false

πŸ“ test/helper/Appium_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Appium
    • πŸ“Ž app installation : #seeAppIsInstalled, #installApp, #removeApp, #seeAppIsNotInstalled
      • πŸ“Ž #grabAllContexts, #grabContext, #grabCurrentActivity, #grabNetworkConnection, #grabOrientation, #grabSettings
        • βœ”οΈ should grab all available contexts for screen
        • βœ”οΈ should grab current context
        • βœ”οΈ should grab current activity of app
        • βœ”οΈ should grab network connection settings
        • βœ”οΈ should grab orientation
        • βœ”οΈ should grab custom settings
        • βœ”οΈ should remove App and install it again
        • βœ”οΈ should assert when app is/is not installed
    • πŸ“Ž see seeCurrentActivity: #seeCurrentActivityIs
      • βœ”οΈ should return .HomeScreenActivity for default screen
      • βœ”οΈ should assert for wrong screen
    • πŸ“Ž device lock : #seeDeviceIsLocked, #seeDeviceIsUnlocked
      • βœ”οΈ should return correct status about lock @second
    • πŸ“Ž device orientation : #seeOrientationIs #setOrientation
      • βœ”οΈ should return correct status about lock
      • βœ”οΈ should set device orientation
    • πŸ“Ž app context and activity: #_switchToContext, #switchToWeb, #switchToNative
      • βœ”οΈ should switch context
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to native and web contexts @quick
      • βœ”οΈ should switch activity
    • πŸ“Ž #setNetworkConnection, #setSettings
      • βœ”οΈ should set Network Connection (airplane mode on)
      • βœ”οΈ should set custom settings
    • πŸ“Ž #hideDeviceKeyboard
      • βœ”οΈ should hide device Keyboard @quick
      • βœ”οΈ should assert if no keyboard
    • πŸ“Ž #sendDeviceKeyEvent
      • βœ”οΈ should react on pressing keycode
    • πŸ“Ž #openNotifications
      • βœ”οΈ should react on notification opening
    • πŸ“Ž #makeTouchAction
      • βœ”οΈ should react on touch actions
      • βœ”οΈ should react on swipe action
      • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeDown action
      • βœ”οΈ run simplified swipeDown @quick
      • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeUp action
      • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeRight action
      • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeLeft action
      • βœ”οΈ should react on touchPerform action
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when you dont scroll the document anymore
      • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeTo action
      • πŸ“Ž #performTouchAction
        • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeUp action @second
        • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeDown action @second
        • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeLeft action
        • βœ”οΈ should react on swipeRight action
    • πŸ“Ž #pullFile
      • βœ”οΈ should pull file to local machine
    • πŸ“Ž see text : #see
      • βœ”οΈ should work inside elements @second
      • βœ”οΈ should work inside web view as normally @quick
    • πŸ“Ž #appendField
      • βœ”οΈ should be able to send special keys to element @second
    • πŸ“Ž #seeInSource
      • βœ”οΈ should check for text to be in HTML source
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForText
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if not present
    • πŸ“Ž #seeNumberOfElements @second
      • βœ”οΈ should return 1 as count
    • πŸ“Ž see element : #seeElement, #dontSeeElement
      • βœ”οΈ should check visible elements on page @quick
    • πŸ“Ž #click @quick
      • βœ”οΈ should click by accessibility id
      • βœ”οΈ should click by xpath
    • πŸ“Ž #fillField, #appendField @second
      • βœ”οΈ should fill field by accessibility id
      • βœ”οΈ should fill field by xpath
      • βœ”οΈ should append field value @second
    • πŸ“Ž #clearField
      • βœ”οΈ should clear a given element
    • πŸ“Ž #grabTextFrom, #grabValueFrom, #grabAttributeFrom
      • βœ”οΈ should grab text from page
      • βœ”οΈ should grab attribute from element
    • πŸ“Ž #saveScreenshot
      • βœ”οΈ should create a screenshot file in output dir
    • πŸ“Ž #runOnIOS, #runOnAndroid, #runInWeb
      • βœ”οΈ should use Android locators
      • βœ”οΈ should execute only on Android @quick
      • βœ”οΈ should execute only on Android >= 5.0 @quick
      • βœ”οΈ should execute only in Web

πŸ“ test/helper/AppiumWeb_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Appium Web
    • πŸ“Ž current url : #seeInCurrentUrl, #seeCurrentUrlEquals, ...
      • βœ”οΈ should check for url fragment
      • βœ”οΈ should check for equality
    • πŸ“Ž see text : #see
      • βœ”οΈ should check text on site
      • βœ”οΈ should check text inside element
    • πŸ“Ž see element : #seeElement, #dontSeeElement
      • βœ”οΈ should check visible elements on page
    • πŸ“Ž #click
      • βœ”οΈ should click by text
      • βœ”οΈ should click by css
      • βœ”οΈ should click by non-optimal css
      • βœ”οΈ should click by xpath
      • βœ”οΈ should click on context
      • βœ”οΈ should click link with inner span
      • βœ”οΈ should click buttons as links
    • πŸ“Ž #grabTextFrom, #grabValueFrom, #grabAttributeFrom
      • βœ”οΈ should grab text from page
      • βœ”οΈ should grab value from field
      • βœ”οΈ should grab attribute from element
    • πŸ“Ž #within
      • βœ”οΈ should work using within operator

πŸ“ test/helper/Nightmare_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Nightmare
    • πŸ“Ž open page : #amOnPage
      • βœ”οΈ should open main page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open any page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open absolute url
      • βœ”οΈ should open same page twice without error
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForFunction
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for function returns true
      • βœ”οΈ should pass arguments and wait for function returns true
    • πŸ“Ž #moveCursorTo
      • βœ”οΈ should trigger hover event
    • πŸ“Ž scripts Inject
      • βœ”οΈ should reinject scripts after navigating to new page
    • πŸ“Ž see text : #see
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when text is not on site
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when clickable element not found
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when text on site
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when test is not in context
    • πŸ“Ž #locate
      • βœ”οΈ should use locate to check element
    • πŸ“Ž window size #resizeWindow
      • βœ”οΈ should set initial window size
      • βœ”οΈ should resize window to specific dimensions
    • πŸ“Ž refresh page
      • βœ”οΈ should refresh the current page
    • πŸ“Ž #seeNumberOfElements
      • βœ”οΈ should return 1 as count

πŸ“ test/helper/Playwright_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Playwright
    • πŸ“Ž open page : #amOnPage
      • βœ”οΈ should open main page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open any page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open absolute url
    • πŸ“Ž grabDataFromPerformanceTiming
      • βœ”οΈ should return data from performance timing
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForFunction
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for function returns true
      • βœ”οΈ should pass arguments and wait for function returns true
    • πŸ“Ž #waitToHide
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for hidden element
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for hidden element by XPath
    • πŸ“Ž #waitNumberOfVisibleElements
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page using a css selector
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements which are not yet attached to the DOM
    • πŸ“Ž #moveCursorTo
      • βœ”οΈ should trigger hover event
      • βœ”οΈ should not trigger hover event because of the offset is beyond the element
    • πŸ“Ž #switchToNextTab, #switchToPreviousTab, #openNewTab, #closeCurrentTab, #closeOtherTabs, #grabNumberOfOpenTabs
      • βœ”οΈ should only have 1 tab open when the browser starts and navigates to the first page
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close current tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close other tabs
      • βœ”οΈ should open new tab
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to previous tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to previous tab
    • πŸ“Ž popup : #acceptPopup, #seeInPopup, #cancelPopup, #grabPopupText
      • βœ”οΈ should accept popup window
      • βœ”οΈ should accept popup window (using default popup action type)
      • βœ”οΈ should cancel popup
      • βœ”οΈ should check text in popup
      • βœ”οΈ should grab text from popup
      • βœ”οΈ should return null if no popup is visible (do not throw an error)
    • πŸ“Ž #seeNumberOfElements
      • βœ”οΈ should return 1 as count
    • πŸ“Ž #switchTo
      • βœ”οΈ should switch reference to iframe content
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if iframe selector is invalid
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if iframe selector is not iframe
      • βœ”οΈ should return to parent frame given a null locator
    • πŸ“Ž #seeInSource, #grabSource
      • βœ”οΈ should check for text to be in HTML source
      • βœ”οΈ should grab the source
    • πŸ“Ž #seeTitleEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check that title is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #seeTextEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check text is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateClickable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a button to click
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing checkbox using _locateClickable
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateCheckable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a checkbox
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateFields
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a field
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing field
    • πŸ“Ž check fields: #seeInField, #seeCheckboxIsChecked, ...
      • βœ”οΈ should throw error if field is not empty
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in checkboxes
      • βœ”οΈ should check values with boolean
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in radio
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in select
      • βœ”οΈ should check for empty select field
      • βœ”οΈ should check for select multiple field
    • πŸ“Ž #pressKey, #pressKeyDown, #pressKeyUp
      • βœ”οΈ should be able to send special keys to element
      • βœ”οΈ should use modifier key based on operating system
      • βœ”οΈ should show correct numpad or punctuation key when Shift modifier is active
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForEnabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled by xpath
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a button to be enabled
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForValue
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given css locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given css locator
    • πŸ“Ž #grabHTMLFrom
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from an element using xpath query
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from an element using id query
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from multiple elements
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from within an iframe
    • πŸ“Ž #grabBrowserLogs
      • βœ”οΈ should grab browser logs
    • πŸ“Ž #dragAndDrop
    • πŸ“Ž #switchTo frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using name
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to root frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using frame number
    • πŸ“Ž #dragSlider
      • βœ”οΈ should drag scrubber to given position
    • πŸ“Ž #uncheckOption
      • βœ”οΈ should uncheck option that is currently checked
      • βœ”οΈ should NOT uncheck option that is NOT currently checked
    • πŸ“Ž #grabElementBoundingRect
      • βœ”οΈ should get the element bounding rectangle
      • βœ”οΈ should get the element width
      • βœ”οΈ should get the element height
    • πŸ“Ž #handleDownloads
      • βœ”οΈ should dowload file
  • πŸ“Ž #_startBrowser
    • βœ”οΈ should throw an exception when endpoint is unreachable
    • βœ”οΈ should manage pages in remote browser
  • πŸ“Ž Playwright - BasicAuth
    • πŸ“Ž open page with provided basic auth
      • βœ”οΈ should be authenticated
  • πŸ“Ž Playwright - Emulation
    • βœ”οΈ should open page as iPhone

πŸ“ test/helper/Protractor_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Protractor
    • πŸ“Ž open page : #amOnPage
      • βœ”οΈ should open main page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open absolute url
    • πŸ“Ž current url : #seeInCurrentUrl, #seeCurrentUrlEquals, ...
      • βœ”οΈ should check for url fragment
      • βœ”οΈ should check for equality
    • πŸ“Ž see text : #see
      • βœ”οΈ should check text on site
      • βœ”οΈ should check text inside element
    • πŸ“Ž see element : #seeElement, #dontSeeElement
      • βœ”οΈ should check visible elements on page
    • πŸ“Ž #click
      • βœ”οΈ should click by text
      • βœ”οΈ should click by css
      • βœ”οΈ should click by non-optimal css
      • βœ”οΈ should click by xpath
      • βœ”οΈ should click on context
      • βœ”οΈ should click link with inner span
      • βœ”οΈ should click buttons as links
    • πŸ“Ž #checkOption
      • βœ”οΈ should check option by css
      • βœ”οΈ should check option by strict locator
      • βœ”οΈ should check option by name
      • βœ”οΈ should check option by label
    • πŸ“Ž #selectOption
      • βœ”οΈ should select option by css
      • βœ”οΈ should select option by label
      • βœ”οΈ should select option by label and value
      • βœ”οΈ should select option in grouped select
    • πŸ“Ž #fillField, #appendField
      • βœ”οΈ should fill input by label
      • βœ”οΈ should fill textarea by label
      • βœ”οΈ should fill field by placeholder
      • βœ”οΈ should fill field by css
      • βœ”οΈ should fill field by model
      • βœ”οΈ should fill field by name
      • βœ”οΈ should fill textarea by name
      • βœ”οΈ should fill textarea by css
      • βœ”οΈ should fill textarea by model
      • βœ”οΈ should append value to field
    • πŸ“Ž check fields: #seeInField, #seeCheckboxIsChecked, ...
      • βœ”οΈ should check for empty field
      • βœ”οΈ should throw error if field is not empty
      • βœ”οΈ should check field equals
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in select
      • βœ”οΈ should check checkbox is checked :)
    • πŸ“Ž #grabTextFrom, #grabValueFrom, #grabAttributeFrom
      • βœ”οΈ should grab text from page
      • βœ”οΈ should grab value from field
      • βœ”οΈ should grab value from select
      • βœ”οΈ should grab attribute from element
    • πŸ“Ž page title : #seeTitle, #dontSeeTitle, #grabTitle, #seeTitleEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check page title
      • βœ”οΈ should grab page title
      • βœ”οΈ should check that title is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #seeTextEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check text is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #saveScreenshot
      • βœ”οΈ should create a screenshot file in output dir
      • βœ”οΈ should create full page a screenshot file in output dir
    • πŸ“Ž #switchToNextTab, #switchToPreviousTab, #openNewTab, #closeCurrentTab, #closeOtherTabs, #grabNumberOfOpenTabs
      • βœ”οΈ should only have 1 tab open when the browser starts and navigates to the first page
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to previous tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close current tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close other tabs
      • βœ”οΈ should open new tab
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to previous tab
    • πŸ“Ž cookies : #setCookie, #clearCookies, #seeCookie
      • βœ”οΈ should do all cookie stuff
    • πŸ“Ž #seeInSource, #grabSource
      • βœ”οΈ should check for text to be in HTML source
      • βœ”οΈ should grab the source
    • πŸ“Ž window size : #resizeWindow
      • βœ”οΈ should change the active window size
    • πŸ“Ž #amOutsideAngularApp
      • βœ”οΈ should work outside angular app
      • βœ”οΈ should switch between applications
    • πŸ“Ž waitForVisible
      • βœ”οΈ wait for element
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForText
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for text
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for text in context
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if not present
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if waiting is too small
      • πŸ“Ž #seeNumberOfElements
        • βœ”οΈ should return 1 as count

πŸ“ test/helper/ProtractorWeb_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Protractor-NonAngular
    • πŸ“Ž window size #resizeWindow
      • βœ”οΈ should set initial window size
      • βœ”οΈ should resize window to specific dimensions
    • πŸ“Ž open page : #amOnPage
      • βœ”οΈ should open main page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open any page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open absolute url
    • πŸ“Ž #pressKey
      • βœ”οΈ should be able to send special keys to element
    • πŸ“Ž see text : #see
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when text is not on site
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when text on site
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when test is not in context
    • πŸ“Ž SmartWait
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for element to appear
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable element appear
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable context to appear
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for text context to appear
    • πŸ“Ž #switchTo frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using name
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to root frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using frame number
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForFunction
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for function returns true
      • βœ”οΈ should pass arguments and wait for function returns true
    • πŸ“Ž #waitNumberOfVisibleElements
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page using a css selector
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements which are not yet attached to the DOM
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForEnabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled by xpath
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a button to be enabled
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForValue
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given css locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given css locator
    • πŸ“Ž #grabHTMLFrom
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from an element using xpath query
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from an element using id query
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from multiple elements
    • πŸ“Ž popup : #acceptPopup, #seeInPopup, #cancelPopup
      • βœ”οΈ should accept popup window
      • βœ”οΈ should cancel popup
      • βœ”οΈ should check text in popup
      • βœ”οΈ should grab text from popup
      • βœ”οΈ should return null if no popup is visible (do not throw an error)
    • πŸ“Ž #grabBrowserLogs
      • βœ”οΈ should grab browser logs
      • βœ”οΈ should grab browser logs across pages
    • πŸ“Ž #dragAndDrop
      • βœ”οΈ Drag item from source to target (no iframe) @dragNdrop
      • βœ”οΈ Drag and drop from within an iframe
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateClickable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a button to click
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing checkbox using _locateClickable
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateCheckable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a checkbox
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing checkbox
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateFields
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a field
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing field

πŸ“ test/helper/Puppeteer_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Puppeteer - BasicAuth
    • πŸ“Ž open page with provided basic auth
      • βœ”οΈ should be authenticated
      • βœ”οΈ should be authenticated on second run
  • πŸ“Ž Puppeteer
    • πŸ“Ž Session
      • βœ”οΈ should not fail for localStorage.clear() on about:blank
    • πŸ“Ž open page : #amOnPage
      • βœ”οΈ should open main page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open any page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open absolute url
      • βœ”οΈ should be unauthenticated
    • πŸ“Ž grabDataFromPerformanceTiming
      • βœ”οΈ should return data from performance timing
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForFunction
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for function returns true
      • βœ”οΈ should pass arguments and wait for function returns true
    • πŸ“Ž #waitToHide
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for hidden element
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for hidden element by XPath
    • πŸ“Ž #waitNumberOfVisibleElements
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page using a css selector
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements which are not yet attached to the DOM
    • πŸ“Ž #moveCursorTo
      • βœ”οΈ should trigger hover event
      • βœ”οΈ should not trigger hover event because of the offset is beyond the element
    • πŸ“Ž #switchToNextTab, #switchToPreviousTab, #openNewTab, #closeCurrentTab, #closeOtherTabs, #grabNumberOfOpenTabs
      • βœ”οΈ should only have 1 tab open when the browser starts and navigates to the first page
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close current tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close other tabs
      • βœ”οΈ should open new tab
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to previous tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to previous tab
    • πŸ“Ž popup : #acceptPopup, #seeInPopup, #cancelPopup, #grabPopupText
      • βœ”οΈ should accept popup window
      • βœ”οΈ should accept popup window (using default popup action type)
      • βœ”οΈ should cancel popup
      • βœ”οΈ should check text in popup
      • βœ”οΈ should grab text from popup
      • βœ”οΈ should return null if no popup is visible (do not throw an error)
    • πŸ“Ž #seeNumberOfElements
      • βœ”οΈ should return 1 as count
    • πŸ“Ž #switchTo
      • βœ”οΈ should switch reference to iframe content
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if iframe selector is invalid
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if iframe selector is not iframe
      • βœ”οΈ should return to parent frame given a null locator
    • πŸ“Ž #seeInSource, #grabSource
      • βœ”οΈ should check for text to be in HTML source
      • βœ”οΈ should grab the source
    • πŸ“Ž #seeTitleEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check that title is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #seeTextEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check text is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateClickable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a button to click
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing checkbox using _locateClickable
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateCheckable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a checkbox
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateFields
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a field
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing field
    • πŸ“Ž check fields: #seeInField, #seeCheckboxIsChecked, ...
      • βœ”οΈ should throw error if field is not empty
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in checkboxes
      • βœ”οΈ should check values with boolean
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in radio
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in select
      • βœ”οΈ should check for empty select field
      • βœ”οΈ should check for select multiple field
    • πŸ“Ž #pressKey, #pressKeyDown, #pressKeyUp
      • βœ”οΈ should be able to send special keys to element
      • βœ”οΈ should use modifier key based on operating system
      • βœ”οΈ should show correct numpad or punctuation key when Shift modifier is active
      • βœ”οΈ should show correct number key when Shift modifier is active
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForEnabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled by xpath
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a button to be enabled
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForText
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for text after load body
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForValue
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given css locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given css locator
    • πŸ“Ž #grabHTMLFrom
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from an element using xpath query
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from an element using id query
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from multiple elements
      • βœ”οΈ should grab inner html from within an iframe
    • πŸ“Ž #grabBrowserLogs
      • βœ”οΈ should grab browser logs
      • βœ”οΈ should grab browser logs across pages
    • πŸ“Ž #dragAndDrop
      • βœ”οΈ Drag item from source to target (no iframe) @dragNdrop
      • βœ”οΈ Drag and drop from within an iframe
    • πŸ“Ž #switchTo frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using name
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to root frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using frame number
    • πŸ“Ž #dragSlider
      • βœ”οΈ should drag scrubber to given position
    • πŸ“Ž #uncheckOption
      • βœ”οΈ should uncheck option that is currently checked
      • βœ”οΈ should NOT uncheck option that is NOT currently checked
    • πŸ“Ž #grabElementBoundingRect
      • βœ”οΈ should get the element bounding rectangle
      • βœ”οΈ should get the element width
      • βœ”οΈ should get the element height
    • πŸ“Ž #handleDownloads
      • βœ”οΈ should dowload file
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForClickable
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable by XPath
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for disabled element
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for disabled element by XPath
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by top
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by bottom
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by left
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by right
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for overlapping element
      • βœ”οΈ should pass if element change class
      • βœ”οΈ should fail if element change class and not clickable
  • πŸ“Ž Puppeteer (remote browser)
    • πŸ“Ž #_startBrowser
      • βœ”οΈ should throw an exception when endpoint is unreachable
      • βœ”οΈ should clear any prior existing pages on remote browser

πŸ“ test/helper/TestCafe_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž TestCafe
    • πŸ“Ž open page : #amOnPage
      • βœ”οΈ should open main page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open any page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open absolute url
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForFunction
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for function returns true
      • βœ”οΈ should pass arguments and wait for function returns true

πŸ“ test/helper/WebDriver_test.js (opens new window)

πŸ“ test/helper/WebDriverIO_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž WebDriverIO
    • πŸ“Ž open page : #amOnPage
      • βœ”οΈ should open main page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open any page of configured site
      • βœ”οΈ should open absolute url
    • πŸ“Ž see text : #see
      • βœ”οΈ should fail when text is not on site
    • πŸ“Ž check fields: #seeInField, #seeCheckboxIsChecked, ...
      • βœ”οΈ should throw error if field is not empty
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in checkboxes
      • βœ”οΈ should check values with boolean
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in radio
      • βœ”οΈ should check values in select
      • βœ”οΈ should check for empty select field
      • βœ”οΈ should check for select multiple field
    • πŸ“Ž #pressKey
      • βœ”οΈ should be able to send special keys to element
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForClickable
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable by XPath
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for disabled element
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for disabled element by XPath
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by top
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by bottom
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by left
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for element not in viewport by right
      • βœ”οΈ should fail for overlapping element
      • βœ”οΈ should pass if element change class
      • βœ”οΈ should fail if element change class and not clickable
    • πŸ“Ž #seeInSource, #grabSource
      • βœ”οΈ should check for text to be in HTML source
      • βœ”οΈ should grab the source
    • πŸ“Ž #seeTitleEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check that title is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #seeTextEquals
      • βœ”οΈ should check text is equal to provided one
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForFunction
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for function returns true
      • βœ”οΈ should pass arguments and wait for function returns true
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForEnabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for input text field to be enabled by xpath
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a button to be enabled
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForValue
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given css locator
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for expected value for given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given xpath locator
      • βœ”οΈ should only wait for one of the matching elements to contain the value given css locator
    • πŸ“Ž #waitNumberOfVisibleElements
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page
      • βœ”οΈ should be no [object Object] in the error message
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements on the page using a css selector
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified number of elements which are not yet attached to the DOM
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForVisible
      • βœ”οΈ should be no [object Object] in the error message
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified element to be visible
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForInvisible
      • βœ”οΈ should be no [object Object] in the error message
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for a specified element to be invisible
    • πŸ“Ž #moveCursorTo
      • βœ”οΈ should trigger hover event
      • βœ”οΈ should not trigger hover event because of the offset is beyond the element
    • πŸ“Ž #switchToNextTab, #switchToPreviousTab, #openNewTab, #closeCurrentTab, #closeOtherTabs, #grabNumberOfOpenTabs
      • βœ”οΈ should only have 1 tab open when the browser starts and navigates to the first page
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to next tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close current tab
      • βœ”οΈ should close other tabs
      • βœ”οΈ should open new tab
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to previous tab
      • βœ”οΈ should assert when there is no ability to switch to previous tab
    • πŸ“Ž popup : #acceptPopup, #seeInPopup, #cancelPopup
      • βœ”οΈ should accept popup window
      • βœ”οΈ should cancel popup
      • βœ”οΈ should check text in popup
      • βœ”οΈ should grab text from popup
      • βœ”οΈ should return null if no popup is visible (do not throw an error)
    • πŸ“Ž #waitForText
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if not present
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if waiting is too small
    • πŸ“Ž #seeNumberOfElements
      • βœ”οΈ should return 1 as count
    • πŸ“Ž #switchTo
      • βœ”οΈ should switch reference to iframe content
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if iframe selector is invalid
      • βœ”οΈ should return error if iframe selector is not iframe
      • βœ”οΈ should return to parent frame given a null locator
    • πŸ“Ž click context
      • βœ”οΈ should click on inner text
      • βœ”οΈ should click on input in inner element
      • βœ”οΈ should click by aria-label
      • βœ”οΈ should click by title
      • βœ”οΈ should click by aria-labelledby
      • βœ”οΈ should click by accessibility_id
    • πŸ“Ž window size #resizeWindow
      • βœ”οΈ should set initial window size
      • βœ”οΈ should resize window to specific dimensions
      • βœ”οΈ should resize window to maximum screen dimensions
    • πŸ“Ž SmartWait
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for element to appear
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable element appear
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for clickable context to appear
      • βœ”οΈ should wait for text context to appear
      • βœ”οΈ should work with grabbers
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateClickable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a button to click
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing checkbox
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateCheckable
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a checkbox
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing checkbox
    • πŸ“Ž #_locateFields
      • βœ”οΈ should locate a field
      • βœ”οΈ should not locate a non-existing field
    • πŸ“Ž #grabBrowserLogs
      • βœ”οΈ should grab browser logs
      • βœ”οΈ should grab browser logs across pages
    • πŸ“Ž #dragAndDrop
      • βœ”οΈ Drag item from source to target (no iframe) @dragNdrop
      • βœ”οΈ Drag and drop from within an iframe
    • πŸ“Ž #switchTo frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using name
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to root frame
      • βœ”οΈ should switch to frame using frame number

πŸ“ test/rest/ApiDataFactory_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž ApiDataFactory
    • πŸ“Ž create and cleanup records
      • βœ”οΈ should create a new post
      • βœ”οΈ should create a new post with predefined field
      • βœ”οΈ should obtain id by function
      • βœ”οΈ should update request with onRequest
      • βœ”οΈ can use functions to set factories
      • βœ”οΈ should cleanup created data
      • βœ”οΈ should create multiple posts and cleanup after
      • βœ”οΈ should create with different api
      • βœ”οΈ should not remove records if cleanup:false
      • βœ”οΈ should send default headers

πŸ“ test/rest/REST_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž REST
    • πŸ“Ž basic requests
      • βœ”οΈ should send GET requests
      • βœ”οΈ should send PATCH requests: payload format = json
      • βœ”οΈ should send PATCH requests: payload format = form urlencoded
      • βœ”οΈ should send POST requests: payload format = json
      • βœ”οΈ should send POST requests: payload format = form urlencoded
      • βœ”οΈ should send PUT requests: payload format = json
      • βœ”οΈ should send PUT requests: payload format = form urlencoded
      • βœ”οΈ should send DELETE requests
      • βœ”οΈ should update request with onRequest
      • βœ”οΈ should set timeout for the request
    • πŸ“Ž headers
      • βœ”οΈ should send request headers
      • βœ”οΈ should set request headers
      • βœ”οΈ should set Content-Type header if data is string and Content-Type is omitted
      • βœ”οΈ should respect any passsed in Content-Type header
    • πŸ“Ž _url autocompletion
      • βœ”οΈ should not prepend base url, when url is absolute
      • βœ”οΈ should prepend base url, when url is not absolute
      • βœ”οΈ should prepend base url, when url is not absolute, and "http" in request

πŸ“ test/runner/allure_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS Allure Plugin
    • βœ”οΈ should enable allure reports
    • βœ”οΈ should create xml file when assert message has ansi symbols
    • βœ”οΈ should report skipped features
    • βœ”οΈ should report BeforeSuite errors when executing via run command
    • βœ”οΈ should report BeforeSuite errors when executing via run-workers command

πŸ“ test/runner/bdd_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž BDD Gherkin
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature files
    • βœ”οΈ should print substeps in debug mode
    • βœ”οΈ should print events in verbose mode
    • βœ”οΈ should obfuscate secret substeps in debug mode
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature with examples files
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature with table and examples files
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature with tables
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature with long strings
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature by file name
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature by scenario name
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature by tag name
    • βœ”οΈ should run scenario by tag name
    • βœ”οΈ should run scenario outline by tag
    • βœ”οΈ should run scenario and scenario outline by tags
    • βœ”οΈ should show all available steps
    • βœ”οΈ should generate snippets for missing steps
    • βœ”οΈ should not generate duplicated steps

πŸ“ test/runner/before_failure_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Failure in before
    • βœ”οΈ should skip tests that are skipped because of failure in before hook
    • βœ”οΈ should skip tests correctly with grep options
    • βœ”οΈ should trigger skipped events

πŸ“ test/runner/bootstrap_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS Bootstrap and Teardown
    • βœ”οΈ should run bootstrap
    • βœ”οΈ should run teardown
    • βœ”οΈ should run async bootstrap
    • βœ”οΈ should run bootstrap/teardown as object
    • βœ”οΈ should run async bootstrap function without args
    • βœ”οΈ should run async bootstrap function with args
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when test failed and async bootstrap function without args
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when test failed and async bootstrap function with args
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when async bootstrap function without args failed
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when async bootstrap function with args failed
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when raise exceptin in the test file and async bootstrap function with args
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when raise exceptin in the test file and async bootstrap function without args
    • βœ”οΈ should run async bootstrap/teardown with args
    • βœ”οΈ should run async bootstrap/teardown without args
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when test failed and async bootstrap/teardown function with args
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when test failed and async bootstrap/teardown function without args
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when async bootstrap with args failed and not call teardown
    • βœ”οΈ should fail with code 1 when async bootstrap without args failed and not call teardown

πŸ“ test/runner/codecept_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS Runner
    • βœ”οΈ should be executed in current dir
    • βœ”οΈ should be executed with glob
    • βœ”οΈ should be executed with config path
    • βœ”οΈ should show failures and exit with 1 on fail
    • πŸ“Ž grep
      • βœ”οΈ filter by scenario tags
      • βœ”οΈ filter by scenario tags #2
      • βœ”οΈ filter by feature tags
      • πŸ“Ž without "invert" option
        • βœ”οΈ should filter by scenario tags
        • βœ”οΈ should filter by scenario tags #2
        • βœ”οΈ should filter by feature tags
      • πŸ“Ž with "invert" option
        • βœ”οΈ should filter by scenario tags
        • βœ”οΈ should filter by scenario tags #2
        • βœ”οΈ should filter by feature tags
        • βœ”οΈ should filter by feature tags
        • βœ”οΈ should run hooks
        • βœ”οΈ should run hooks from suites
        • βœ”οΈ should run hooks from suites (in different order)
        • βœ”οΈ should run different types of scenario
        • βœ”οΈ should run dynamic config
        • βœ”οΈ should run dynamic config with profile
        • βœ”οΈ should run dynamic config with profile 2
    • πŸ“Ž with require parameter
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed with module when described
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed with several modules when described
      • βœ”οΈ should not be executed without module when not described
  • πŸ“Ž Codeceptjs Events
    • βœ”οΈ should fire events with only passing tests
    • βœ”οΈ should fire events with passing and failing tests

πŸ“ test/runner/comment_step_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS commentStep plugin
    • βœ”οΈ should print nested steps when global var comments used
    • βœ”οΈ should print nested steps when local var comments used

πŸ“ test/runner/definitions_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Definitions
    • πŸ“Ž Static files
      • βœ”οΈ should have internal object that is available as variable codeceptjs
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file with correct page def
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file given a config file
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file with support object
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file with inject which contains support objects
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file with inject which contains I object
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file with inject which contains I object from helpers
      • βœ”οΈ def should create definition file with callback params

πŸ“ test/runner/dry_run_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž dry-run command
    • βœ”οΈ should be executed with config path
    • βœ”οΈ should list all tests
    • βœ”οΈ should not run actual steps
    • βœ”οΈ should not run helper hooks
    • βœ”οΈ should display meta steps and substeps
    • βœ”οΈ should run feature files
    • βœ”οΈ should print substeps in debug mode
    • βœ”οΈ should run tests with different data
    • βœ”οΈ should display meta steps and substeps
    • βœ”οΈ should work with inject() keyword
    • βœ”οΈ should inject page objects via proxy

πŸ“ test/runner/interface_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS Interface
    • βœ”οΈ should rerun flaky tests
    • βœ”οΈ should rerun retried steps
    • βœ”οΈ should not propagate retries to non retried steps
    • βœ”οΈ should use retryFailedStep plugin for failed steps
    • βœ”οΈ should not retry wait* steps in retryFailedStep plugin
    • βœ”οΈ should not retry steps if retryFailedStep plugin disabled
    • βœ”οΈ should include grep option tests
    • βœ”οΈ should run tests with different data
    • βœ”οΈ should run all tests with data of array by only
    • βœ”οΈ should run all tests with data of generator by only
    • βœ”οΈ should execute expected promise chain
    • βœ”οΈ should display meta steps and substeps
    • βœ”οΈ should work with inject() keyword
    • βœ”οΈ should inject page objects via proxy

πŸ“ test/runner/list_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž list commands
    • βœ”οΈ list should print actions

πŸ“ test/runner/pageobject_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS Interface
    • βœ”οΈ should inject page objects by class
    • βœ”οΈ should inject page objects by class which nested base clas

πŸ“ test/runner/run_multiple_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS Multiple Runner
    • βœ”οΈ should execute one suite with browser
    • βœ”οΈ should execute all suites
    • βœ”οΈ should replace parameters
    • βœ”οΈ should execute multiple suites
    • βœ”οΈ should execute multiple suites with selected browsers
    • βœ”οΈ should print steps
    • βœ”οΈ should pass grep to configuration
    • βœ”οΈ should pass grep invert to configuration
    • βœ”οΈ should pass tests to configuration
    • βœ”οΈ should run chunks
    • βœ”οΈ should run features in parallel
    • βœ”οΈ should run features & tests in parallel
    • βœ”οΈ should run only tests in parallel
    • πŸ“Ž bootstrapAll and teardownAll
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed from async function in config
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed from function in config
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed from function in file
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed from object in file
    • πŸ“Ž with require parameter
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed with module when described
      • βœ”οΈ should be executed with several module when described
      • βœ”οΈ should not be executed without module when not described

πŸ“ test/runner/run_rerun_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž run-rerun command
    • βœ”οΈ should display count of attemps
    • βœ”οΈ should display 2 success count of attemps
    • βœ”οΈ should display error if minSuccess more than maxReruns
    • βœ”οΈ should display errors if test is fail always
    • βœ”οΈ should display success run if test was fail one time of two attepmts and 3 reruns

πŸ“ test/runner/run_workers_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS Workers Runner
    • βœ”οΈ should run tests in 3 workers
    • βœ”οΈ should print positive or zero failures with same name tests
    • βœ”οΈ should use grep
    • βœ”οΈ should show failures when suite is failing
    • βœ”οΈ should print stdout in debug mode and load bootstrap
    • βœ”οΈ should run tests with glob pattern
    • βœ”οΈ should print empty results with incorrect glob pattern
    • βœ”οΈ should retry test
    • βœ”οΈ should create output folder with custom name

πŸ“ test/runner/session_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS session
    • βœ”οΈ should run with 3 sessions
    • βœ”οΈ should run session defined before executing
    • βœ”οΈ should run all session tests

πŸ“ test/runner/todo_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Todo
    • βœ”οΈ should skip test with todo
    • βœ”οΈ should skip inject skipinfo to todo test
    • βœ”οΈ should correctly pass custom opts for todo test

πŸ“ test/runner/translation_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Translation
    • βœ”οΈ Should run translated test file

πŸ“ test/runner/within_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž CodeceptJS within
    • βœ”οΈ should execute if no generators
    • βœ”οΈ should execute with async/await. Await is first in order
    • βœ”οΈ should execute with async/await. Await is second in order

πŸ“ test/unit/actor_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Actor
    • βœ”οΈ should take all methods from helpers and built in
    • βœ”οΈ should return promise
    • βœ”οΈ should produce step events
    • βœ”οΈ should retry failed step with #retry
    • βœ”οΈ should retry once step with #retry
    • βœ”οΈ should print handle failed steps

πŸ“ test/unit/assert_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Assertion
    • βœ”οΈ should handle asserts
    • βœ”οΈ should handle negative asserts

πŸ“ test/unit/assert/empty_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž empty assertion
    • βœ”οΈ should check for something to be empty
    • βœ”οΈ should check for something not to be empty
    • βœ”οΈ should provide nice assert error message
    • βœ”οΈ should provide nice negate error message

πŸ“ test/unit/assert/equal_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž equal assertion
    • βœ”οΈ should check for equality
    • βœ”οΈ should check for something not to be equal
    • βœ”οΈ should provide nice assert error message
    • βœ”οΈ should provide nice negate error message

πŸ“ test/unit/assert/include_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž equal assertion
    • βœ”οΈ should check for inclusion
    • βœ”οΈ should check !include
    • βœ”οΈ should provide nice assert error message
    • βœ”οΈ should provide nice negate error message

πŸ“ test/unit/bdd_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž BDD
    • βœ”οΈ should parse gherkin input
    • βœ”οΈ should load step definitions
    • βœ”οΈ should contain tags
    • βœ”οΈ should load step definitions
    • βœ”οΈ should allow failed steps
    • βœ”οΈ should work with async functions
    • βœ”οΈ should execute scenarios step-by-step
    • βœ”οΈ should match step with params
    • βœ”οΈ should use shortened form for step definitions
    • βœ”οΈ should attach before hook for Background
    • βœ”οΈ should execute scenario outlines
    • βœ”οΈ should provide a parsed DataTable

πŸ“ test/unit/config_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Config
    • βœ”οΈ should be created
    • βœ”οΈ should be completely reset
    • βœ”οΈ can be updated
    • βœ”οΈ should use config hooks to enhance configs

πŸ“ test/unit/container_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Container
    • πŸ“Ž #translation
      • βœ”οΈ should create empty translation
      • βœ”οΈ should create Russian translation
      • βœ”οΈ should create Italian translation
      • βœ”οΈ should create French translation
    • πŸ“Ž #helpers
      • βœ”οΈ should return all helper with no args
      • βœ”οΈ should return helper by name
    • πŸ“Ž #support
      • βœ”οΈ should return all support objects
      • βœ”οΈ should support object by name
    • πŸ“Ž #plugins
      • βœ”οΈ should return all plugins
      • βœ”οΈ should get plugin by name
    • πŸ“Ž #create
      • βœ”οΈ should create container with helpers
      • βœ”οΈ should always create I
      • βœ”οΈ should load DI and return a reference to the module
      • βœ”οΈ should load I from path and execute _init
      • βœ”οΈ should load DI includes provided as require paths
      • βœ”οΈ should load DI and inject I into PO
      • βœ”οΈ should load DI and inject custom I into PO
      • βœ”οΈ should load DI includes provided as objects
      • βœ”οΈ should load DI includes provided as objects
    • πŸ“Ž #append
      • βœ”οΈ should be able to add new helper
      • βœ”οΈ should be able to add new support object

πŸ“ test/unit/data/dataTableArgument_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž DataTableArgument
    • βœ”οΈ should return a 2D array containing each row
    • βœ”οΈ should return a 2D array containing each row without the header (first one)
    • βœ”οΈ should return an of object where properties is the header

πŸ“ test/unit/data/table_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž DataTable
    • βœ”οΈ should take an array for creation
    • βœ”οΈ should allow arrays to be added
    • βœ”οΈ should not allow an empty array to be added
    • βœ”οΈ should not allow an array with more slots than the original to be added
    • βœ”οΈ should not allow an array with less slots than the original to be added
    • βœ”οΈ should filter an array
    • βœ”οΈ should filter an array with skips

πŸ“ test/unit/data/ui_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž ui
    • πŸ“Ž Data
      • βœ”οΈ can add a tag to all scenarios
      • βœ”οΈ can add a timout to all scenarios
      • βœ”οΈ can add retries to all scenarios
      • βœ”οΈ can expect failure for all scenarios
      • βœ”οΈ can expect a specific error for all scenarios
      • βœ”οΈ can configure a helper for all scenarios
      • βœ”οΈ should shows object's toString() method in each scenario's name if the toString() method is overrided
      • βœ”οΈ should shows JSON.stringify() in each scenario's name if the toString() method isn't overrided

πŸ“ test/unit/helper/element_not_found_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž ElementNotFound error
    • βœ”οΈ should throw error
    • βœ”οΈ should provide default message
    • βœ”οΈ should use prefix for message
    • βœ”οΈ should use postfix for message
    • βœ”οΈ should stringify locator object

πŸ“ test/unit/helper/FileSystem_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž FileSystem
    • βœ”οΈ should be initialized before tests
    • βœ”οΈ should open dirs
    • βœ”οΈ should see file
    • βœ”οΈ should check file contents

πŸ“ test/unit/locator_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Locator
    • πŸ“Ž constructor
      • πŸ“Ž with string argument
        • βœ”οΈ should create css locator
        • βœ”οΈ should create xpath locator
        • βœ”οΈ should create fuzzy locator
        • βœ”οΈ should create described custom default type locator
      • πŸ“Ž with object argument
        • βœ”οΈ should create id locator
        • βœ”οΈ should create described custom locator
      • πŸ“Ž with Locator object argument
        • βœ”οΈ should create id locator
        • βœ”οΈ should transform CSS to xpath
        • βœ”οΈ should build locator to match element by attr
        • βœ”οΈ should build locator to match element by text
        • βœ”οΈ should build locator to match element by position
        • βœ”οΈ should build complex locator
        • βœ”οΈ should select a by label
        • βœ”οΈ should select child element by name
        • βœ”οΈ should select element by siblings
        • βœ”οΈ should throw an error when xpath with round brackets is nested
        • βœ”οΈ should throw an error when locator with specific position is nested
        • βœ”οΈ should not select element by deep nested siblings
        • βœ”οΈ should select element by siblings
        • βœ”οΈ should translate locator to string
        • βœ”οΈ should be able to add custom locator strategy
        • βœ”οΈ should be able to add custom locator strategy

πŸ“ test/unit/output_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Output
    • βœ”οΈ should allow the output level to be set
    • βœ”οΈ should allow the process to be set
    • βœ”οΈ should allow debug messages when output level >= 2

πŸ“ test/unit/parser_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž parser
    • πŸ“Ž #getParamsToString
      • βœ”οΈ should get params for normal function
      • βœ”οΈ should get params for async function

πŸ“ test/unit/plugin/customLocator_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž customLocator
    • βœ”οΈ add a custom locator by $ -> data-qa
    • βœ”οΈ add a custom locator by = -> data-test-id
    • βœ”οΈ add a custom locator with multple char prefix = -> data-test-id
    • βœ”οΈ add a custom locator with CSS

πŸ“ test/unit/plugin/retryFailedStep_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž retryFailedStep
    • βœ”οΈ should retry failed step
    • βœ”οΈ should not retry within
    • βœ”οΈ should not retry steps with wait*
    • βœ”οΈ should not retry steps with amOnPage
    • βœ”οΈ should add custom steps to ignore
    • βœ”οΈ should not retry session

πŸ“ test/unit/plugin/screenshotOnFail_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž screenshotOnFail
    • βœ”οΈ should exclude the data driven in failed screenshot file name
    • βœ”οΈ should create screenshot on fail
    • βœ”οΈ should create screenshot with unique name
    • βœ”οΈ should create screenshot with unique name when uuid is null

πŸ“ test/unit/recorder_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Recorder
    • βœ”οΈ should create a promise
    • βœ”οΈ should execute error handler on error
    • πŸ“Ž #session
      • βœ”οΈ can be started saving previous promise chain
    • πŸ“Ž #add
      • βœ”οΈ should add steps to promise
      • βœ”οΈ should not add steps when stopped
    • πŸ“Ž #retry
      • βœ”οΈ should retry failed steps when asked
      • βœ”οΈ should create a chain of retries

πŸ“ test/unit/scenario_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Scenario
    • βœ”οΈ should wrap test function
    • βœ”οΈ should work with async func
    • πŸ“Ž events
      • βœ”οΈ should fire events
      • βœ”οΈ should fire failed event on error
      • βœ”οΈ should fire failed event on async error

πŸ“ test/unit/steps_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž Step
    • βœ”οΈ has name
    • βœ”οΈ should convert method names for output
    • βœ”οΈ should convert arguments for output
    • βœ”οΈ should provide nice output
    • βœ”οΈ should provide code output
    • πŸ“Ž #run
      • βœ”οΈ should run step

πŸ“ test/unit/ui_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž ui
    • πŸ“Ž basic constants
      • βœ”οΈ context should contain
    • πŸ“Ž Feature
      • βœ”οΈ Feature should return featureConfig
      • βœ”οΈ should contain title
      • βœ”οΈ should contain tags
      • βœ”οΈ retries can be set
      • βœ”οΈ timeout can be set
      • βœ”οΈ helpers can be configured
      • βœ”οΈ Feature can be skipped
      • βœ”οΈ Feature can be skipped via xFeature
      • βœ”οΈ Feature are not skipped by default
      • βœ”οΈ Feature should correctly pass options to suite context
    • πŸ“Ž Scenario
      • βœ”οΈ Scenario should return scenarioConfig
      • βœ”οΈ should contain title
      • βœ”οΈ should contain tags
      • βœ”οΈ should dynamically inject dependencies
      • πŸ“Ž todo
        • βœ”οΈ should inject skipInfo to opts
        • βœ”οΈ should contain empty description in skipInfo and empty body
        • βœ”οΈ should inject custom opts to opts and without callback
        • βœ”οΈ should inject custom opts to opts and with callback

πŸ“ test/unit/utils.js_test.js (opens new window)

  • πŸ“Ž utils
    • πŸ“Ž #fileExists
      • βœ”οΈ exists
      • βœ”οΈ not exists
    • πŸ“Ž #getParamNames
      • βœ”οΈ fn#1
      • βœ”οΈ fn#2
      • βœ”οΈ should handle single-param arrow functions with omitted parens
      • βœ”οΈ should handle trailing comma
    • πŸ“Ž #methodsOfObject
      • βœ”οΈ should get methods
    • πŸ“Ž #ucfirst
      • βœ”οΈ should capitalize first letter
    • πŸ“Ž #beautify
      • βœ”οΈ should beautify JS code
    • πŸ“Ž #xpathLocator
      • βœ”οΈ combines xpaths
      • βœ”οΈ converts string to xpath literal
    • πŸ“Ž #replaceValueDeep
      • βœ”οΈ returns updated object
      • βœ”οΈ do not replace unexisting value
      • βœ”οΈ replace simple value
      • βœ”οΈ replace simple falsy value
      • βœ”οΈ replace value in array of objects
      • βœ”οΈ replace simple value deep in object
      • βœ”οΈ replace object value
    • πŸ“Ž #getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue
      • βœ”οΈ should normalize key (alias) to key attribute value
      • βœ”οΈ should normalize modifier key based on operating system
    • πŸ“Ž #screenshotOutputFolder
      • βœ”οΈ returns the joined filename for filename only
      • βœ”οΈ returns the given filename for absolute one
Last Updated: 9/19/2024, 9:55:48 AM