
# Translation

Unique feature of CodeceptJS: write tests in your language!


Test output and the way tests are written can be localized. This way scenarios can be written in almost native language using UTF support of JavaScript.

If you have non-English team and you work on non-English project consider enabling translation by setting translation to one of available languages (opens new window) or writing vocabulary for your language.

# How it works

CodceptJS provides a high-level domain specific language (DSL) for writing end-to-end tests. As CodeceptJS API is designed to provide a minimal set of methods to write test cases of any kind of complexity.

It is possible to add aliases for all CodeceptJS keywords and methods. So if all keywords and methods are translated to a specific language it is possible to write tests in that language. Sure, this is not perfect, as CSS/XPath locators as well as REST API speific words are used as is. However, writing tests in your native language may improve the team's understanding of the test behavior.

You can enable translation if your team is not from English-speaking country developing non-English product.

⚠️ It's important to note that default translations are far from being complete. So there are still lots of methods and keywords not translated to your language yet. We recommend to extend a vocabulary to add aliases for non-translated methods and submit a pull request with improvements to a corresponding language file (opens new window).

To enable translition create a new project with

npx codeceptjs init

And select a language of your choice from a list:

? Do you want localization for tests? (See
❯ English (no localization) 
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

💡 If you don't see your language in the list but still want to use localized tests, select 'English (no localization)' and create custom translation.

# Languages

# Portuguese 🇧🇷

To write your tests in portuguese you can enable the portuguese translation in config file like:

  translation: "pt-BR"

Now you can write test like this:

Cenário('Efetuar login', ({ Eu }) => {
    Eu.preenchoOCampo("login", "");
    Eu.preenchoOCampo("senha", "123456");
    Eu.vejo("Seja bem vindo usuário!");

# French 🇫🇷

To write your tests in French you can enable the French translation by adding to config:

  translation: "fr-FR"

Now you can write tests like this:

Scenario('Se connecter sur GitHub', (Je) => {
    Je.remplisLeChamp("Username or email address", "jean-dupond");
    Je.remplisLeChamp("Password", "*********");
    Je.cliqueSur("Sign in");
    Je.vois("Learn Git and GitHub without any code!");

# Italian 🇮🇹

Add to codeceptjs.conf.js or codeceptjs.conf.ts config file:

  translation: "it-IT"

Now you can write test like this:

Caratteristica('Effettuare il Login su GitHub', (io) => {
    io.compilo_il_campo("Username or email address", "giuseppe-santoro");
    io.compilo_il_campo("Password", "*********");
    io.faccio_click_su("Sign in");
    io.vedo("Learn Git and GitHub without any code!");

# Polish 🇵🇱

Add to codeceptjs.conf.js or codeceptjs.conf.ts config file:

  translation: "pl-PL"

Now you can write test like this:

Scenario('Zakładanie konta free trial na stronie głównej GetResponse', ({ Ja }) => {
    Ja.wypełniam_pole("Email address", "");
    Ja.wypełniam_pole("Password", "digital-marketing-systems");
    Ja.klikam('Sign up');

# Chinese 🇹🇼🇨🇳

Add to codeceptjs.conf.js or codeceptjs.conf.ts config: file:

  translation: "zh-CN"


  translation: "zh-TW"

This way tests can be written in Chinese language while it is still JavaScript:

Feature('CodeceptJS 演示');

Scenario('成功提交表单', ({}) => {.在页面('/documentation').填写字段('电邮', '').填写字段('密码', '123456').勾选选项('激活').勾选选项('男');.单击('创建用户').看到('用户名可用').在当前网址中看不到('/documentation')


Feature('CodeceptJS 演示');

Scenario('成功提交表單', ({}) => {.在頁面('/documentation').填寫欄位('電郵', '').填寫欄位('密碼', '123456').勾選選項('活化').勾選選項('男');.單擊('建立用戶').看到('用戶名可用').在當前網址中看不到('/documentation')

# Japanese 🇯🇵

Add to codeceptjs.conf.js or codeceptjs.conf.ts config file:

  translation: "ja-JP"

Now you can write test like this:

Scenario('ログインできる', ({ 私は }) => {
    私は.フィールドに入力する("Eメール", "");
    私は.フィールドに入力する("パスワード", "p@ssword");

# Extending Vocabulary

To add localized aliases to more actions create a new JSON or JavaScript file returning an object with following fields:

module.exports = {
  actions: {
    // add action aliases, translating method name to your language
    rightClick: 'Rechtsklick'

Then enable this vocabulary file in codecept conf:

// inside codecept.conf.js or codecept.conf.ts
// ...
  translation: 'de_DE',
  vocabularies: ['my_translation_file.js'],

# Custom Translation

Create translation file like this:

module.exports = {
  I: 'Ya',
  contexts: {
    Feature: 'Feature',
    Scenario: 'Szenario',
    Before: 'Vor',
    After: 'Nach',
    BeforeSuite: 'vor_der_suite',
    AfterSuite: 'nach_der_suite',
  actions: {
    click: 'Klicken',
    wait: 'Wartenn',

And add the file path to your config

  translation: "MyLang",
  vocabularies: ["./relative/path/to/your/translation.js"]
Last Updated: 11/29/2022, 2:18:40 PM